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John O'Connell
1900 Census
Enumeration District 138, Supervisors District 5, Sheet 10A
Sandy Hill Village, Kingsbury Town, Washington County, NY
7 Mill Street
John is head of house, M, W, born Nov 1857, age 42, widowed, born in NY, both parents born in NY, he is Grinder at the Pulp Mill.
Also in the house are:
Elizabeth, daughter, F, W, b. Sept 1880, age 19, single, born in NJ, parents born in NY.
Dennis, son, M, W, b. Nov 1882, age 17, single, born in NY, parents born in NY, he is a day laborer.
John W, son, M, W, b. Apr 1885, age 15, single, born in NY, parents born in NY, he is a laborer.
Daniel, son, M, W, b. Apr 1887, age 12, single, born in NY, parents born in NY, he is at school.
Kate, daughter, F, W, b. Dec 1888, age 11, single, born in NY, parents born in NY, she is at school.
Mary, daughter, F, W, b. Dec 1893, age 6, single, born in NY, parents born in NY.
1910 Census (very hard to read)
Enumeration District 109, Supervisors District 6, sheet 9A
Hudson Falls Village, Kingsbury Township, Washington County, NY
John is head of house, M, W, age 52, widowed, born in Ireland, parents born in Ireland, he is a laborer at the pulp mill.
Also in the house are:
Mrs. Hattie Langdon, daughter, F, W, age 30, Married, born in NJ, parents born in Ireland. (she had been married for 11 years)
Fred Langdon, son in law, M, W, age 35, Married, born in NJ, parents born in Ireland.
Dan, son, M, W, age 22, single, born NY, parents born in Ireland, operator in bag mill.

Burial information:
John died 26 Sept 1931 and is buried in St Paul's/St Mary's Cemetery in Hudson Falls, NY. He was 73 years old. This has been confirmed with Dorothy at St Paul's/St Mary's Church through the listing of his wife Bridget Curran (who is not buried there) on his records. Also buried here are his son John W, and his wife Beatrice. Daughter Hattie, and son Dennis. There are a total of 5 O'Connells buried here, Marie is the last one (I have not been able to place her in the family yet). They have no other records on this family. They did find it odd that there are Irish buried in this French cemetery.

I have been trying to get a copy of death records for any of them through Kingsbury Town Hall, unfortunately, I never get an answer on the phone. I will continue to try that way and via email.
I have not been able to find John in the 1880 Census (he should have been in NJ, which is where his daughters were born that year) and have a few possibilities for earlier census records, but need to have more family information on him before making a guess as to which he really is.

I have also spoke to Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church in Granville, NY, which is where Bridget O'Connell (John's wife is buried). The only other information they have is their son Dennis baptismal information. The only thing they could tell me is that Bridget might have a sister named Catherine, but they are not positive. She was listed on something they have.

I have tried calling the town records to try and order a copy of John's death certificate and still get no answer. I have also emailed the host of Washington County Genweb to see if there is another # I can call and have not heard back from. I need to email again, I have not done this yet.

I have emailed the Washington County Historical Society and they have no further information on this family.

What I would really like to find out is where John was really born, NY or Ireland? Who were his parents and siblings?
Any suggestions are welcome.

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At this point I have no other information on Elizabeth. I have tried finding her by her married name, which is Daha. I got this from her brother Dennis' obituary and have found nothing.

I have found children of his daughter Kate (there are 3 still living) and she never met any of the family and has no recollection of the family. Just names, which I already have. Of the three living children, I have been in contact with two and need to reach out to the third. I believe she is older then the others so I can only hope she remembers any family information.

I have also tried searching on daughter Mary through her married name, Herring. I have not found anything to relate yet.

As to the death certificate, I will send in for it and see what it gets me. Hopefully something.

I will check out the Library of Congress though, and check into the Newspaper archives. Thanks for the tips.
Hi Terri-

Have you found John O'Connell in 1920 and 1930? Maybe there is some information on those records that may help you?
Kate, I have not found him in either the 1920 or 1930 census yet. I can tell you that he is not with Hattie and her husband any longer in 1920. In 1930, her brother John was living with her though. I will have to also search some directories to see what I can find.
I'm curious if you have marriage information for Bridget and John? Do you think they married in NJ or NY? That may give us information on their parents? Also, do you know when Bridget was born?
No marriage information. I checked with the 2 Catholic Churches that I know they attended. Both churches had no marriage information on John and Bridget or their children. Just can assume before 1880 since that is when the first child was born.
A couple more questions..

I'm curious if you know John's middle name? And do you know who Mary was married to? I find a Daniel J O'Connell living in Albany, NY with a Borce household, John Borce, age 35, Mary, age 34, son John 10 months. Mary was born in NY, parents from Ireland, and Daniel J has an immigration year of 1880. Daniel was 75 on the 1930 census.

This is just an idea for you to consider, I haven't been working this line as you have, and I'm just throwing ideas out there. :)
For John's middle name, I do not know for sure. His son is John W., and he went by Jack. So, I wonder if maybe he was a John W as well.

I will look into Daniel and let you know what I have.
Daniel was in Fort Edward, NY in 1950 when his brother Dennis died. I have a death date of June of 1979, this info was from SSDI.
Reread some letters from the descendants of Kate O'Connell. Her son said he remembers Aunt Elizabeth (Daha) having a gas station outside of Grovesrville, NY. Which seems to be between the Hudson Falls area and Black River, which is where Kate raised her family.

Thank you for this. This is definitely the family. Fist census record that show Hattie for me and wife Bridget. I had not been able to find them on anything else. I will do some more searching here to see if I can find other records.
As for the occupation, he is listed as a quarryman, in the Federal census records he was working for the paper mill.

I still cannot find him in 1920 0r 1930 Federal Census. I went to a class last night at a library to see if someone can help me. They said he might have not been home when it was done, so he was not counted or maybe he was in a home by that time. I am trying to search out other children to see if maybe he is with them. I believe I have found son Daniel and daughter Mary, but of course, he is not there.

Thanks for the help that you give here. It is greatly appreciated!
I looked through for Curran as well, only 2 people found. John and Hanorah Curran, both born in IRE. Will have to see if they fit into her family. Family Search must have put up the state census lately, last time I checked they had nothing for me. Note to self, go back and check every month or so.
From Cemetery records of Kingsbury, Washington Co, NY

O'Connell, Marie, b. 1859 d. 1950

So, John was a year younger then her. Though John's cemetery records only claim Bridget as his wife, though she is not buried with him.

I would find it odd that at the age of 60, he would change jobs from working at pulp mill to farmer. I spoke with a Granddaughter of his and she did not know who Marie was. Though the granddaughter is 79 years, and did not have much contact with extended family.

I guess the best thing to do is order Marie's death certificate as well. See if there are any clues on it as to how she would be related. Again, she is the last O'Connell in this cemetery, in the same section. Some how, she has to connect.

As to the string of unrelated replies. I love them. You have helped tremendously! Thank you.



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