Genealogy Wise

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1. Goins, Charles & Goble, Danney. Historical Atlas of Oklahoma. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2006.
2. Morris, John W., Goins, Charles R., McReynolds, Edwin C. Historical Atlas of Oklahoma. Norman & London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1986.
3. Shirk, George H. Oklahoma Place Names. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1974.

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4. Gibson, Arrell Morgan, Oklahoma A History of Five Centuries, 2nd Edition, Norman and London, University of Oklahoma Press, 1981.
5. Ashton, Sharron Standifer (complier), Indians and Intruders, Norman, Oklahoma, Ashton Publishing, 1996
Sue on resource that I don't see mentioned is the old newspapers. In my own resource I've found the old newspapers to be a lot of help. One problem with them is that I get involved in reading the whole paper. Everything from the adds to who is visiting who.

Oh gosh! I'd hate to count the hours I've spent doing the same thing.They are just so very interesting it is hard to concentrate on what you should be looking for. I love to search the archives of the Daily Oklahoman. So much there from other places too.
I would like to research the Kansas City Star for a photo with caption of my biological father, Woodrow Wilson Eldridge, with 11 of his brothers who were serving in the military for WWII at the same time.
I will appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Thank you.
I thought I would pass along some interesting sites that was on a hand out at the OK History Center talk in July. The talk was presented by Sharron Standifer Ashton.
One source to check is the Fort Smith Criminal Court Records. It is a searchable data base of 50,000 criminal court cases. At The national archives is the source of theis database.

Oklahoma Historical Society Indian Archives Card Index.
1900 Federal Population Census of Indian Territory (T623 Rools 1843-1854

I'll post somemore as I get more time.
Is there much difference between the 1986 and 2006 versions of the Historical Atlas of Oklahoma? In most cased the newest version is best, but I have found sometimes in updating they omit information in the newer version.
The newer version (2006) has full color pictures and more text on each subject. There are 286 pages including bibliography and index. The older (1986) version has 83 pages plus 34 pages of references, appendix and index. This version is also printed in landscape and I find more difficult to use although still very useful.



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