Genealogy Wise

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I've been doing genealogy research for close to 2 decades. I have acquired a fairly large database (OK, several databases!) and a lot of documentation in regards to my Canadian roots, focusing mostly on Ontario and Saskatchewan. I have a small website at if you care to check it out.
Hi, My name is Nancy Walker maiden name Lott. I was raised by a family named Mollo and I'm strying to find any info I can on my family Lott. I don;t have any infomation on then, My mother's name was Mary Elizabether Lott and my fathers name was Vincent Owen LOTT. I also had a brother, deceased his namei was Frank Lott and another brother living named Buddy Lott. I was bron in Hielaeh Florida in 1950. ANY infomation i get would be greatly appraicatied.
I'm Leeann Boone I'm currently residing in Hartford,WI but grew up in Waukesha,WI. I moved to Hartford after the loss of my mother. I got into genealogy about 5 years ago because I was board and home sick from school so went onto just for fun and the rest is history! My surnames are BOONE GRANT HUNKINS GOLDAPSKI LEMKE ROSS WAGNER CARLSEN PEDERSDATTER STOIK BONS TRAVERS HANNON. If you have any questions just ask me ;)
My name is Dan Seddon, I have a one name study of the name Seddon, to date is has over 115,000 records, which date back to the mid 1400's.
I have a Web Site, which because it is free to me, has to be by invitation only.
If anyone wants to look at or search the data send me an e mail and I will send you an invite.
If however you want me to do "look up", please ask.
Also any questions re Seddon, please ask
Hi Dan- my daughter-in-laws maiden name is Seddon so I will email you and get some infor
Hello All, I've been collecting family information for years, but it's only been in the past few months, after my mother-in-law's death, that I've gotten serious about it. It also helped that my husband wanted to print out a family history book (on what was known about the family) before those remaining living relatives were gone too.

So here I am - primarily searching for his relatives, Deller (Ger>PA>Kansas), Jones (NY>Iowa>AR), Roark (SC, TN, KY, MO, KS), Ingram (IL, AR) - and others, of course. And I'm really hoping to make some connections here at GenWise, and through the new blog What Was Their Story.
Hi my name is Emma Queralto. My mum is Scottish and my dad Spanish, hence the unusual surname. I am curious to find out more about the Queralto's as I have never met another outside close family. I found a few on facebook in South America but as my Spanish is limited haven't been able to find out much.

It would be great to start to learn more about genealogy so I'm thrilled to find your page. It would be great to start finding out the stories now as my father's relatives are advancing in years and it would be amazing to pass on the family stories to my daughter when she gets older.

Check out this great link to a fab step by step genealogy ebook that really shortcuts through all the different ways to find out information.

Good luck with all your searching

Interesting post, but how do I know that your book is legitimate? & not a waste of more money?
Been doing Family History since 1991 mostly in Canada in the Province of Quebec and Ontario. Subscribed to and interested in Emigration - how Canadians emigrated to the United States and when?

I am 64 years old and will soon retire - but not completely - how do you kill a man? so says the song: by removing him from the workplace.

Would be interested in exchanging information, data with Americans who suspect their roots being in Quebec.
Hi there....I'm a descendant of the Porter family. There was quite a few Porters living in the Wiltshire area - specifically around Little Somerford / Atworth area. Which Porter family are you interested in?
Hello I'm Dena Banks from Prince William County Virginia, researching there and Fairfax County, City of Alexandria and Falls Church Virginia
Arrington, Sim(m)s, Banks, Lomax, Foote, Thomas, Ward, Bond and connecting surnames
Hoping to connect with others that are reseaching these families.
I started about 1976, when I was about 14 years old. It was the bicentennial and I lived in Massachusetts and it was an exciting time for history. I also read "Roots" at about this same time. I took a genealogy class, and I was the youngest person in the room by about 30 years!

I should have gone on to major in history or genealogy in college, but instead I picked it up seriously when I gave up classroom teaching for motherhood. I was a computer/technology teacher and it has come in very handy for genealogy/blogging/building databases and websites.

My favorite lineage society is the Mayflower Society, and I am the captain of the NH Mayflower Society. I head up the committee for Mayflower scholarships, and also the website and Facebook groups.



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