Genealogy Wise

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I am looking for information on Richard Crowson Sims who died in Mt Calm on 1-18-1908. He is buried in Mt Antioch Cemetery near Mt Calm. I beleive the cemetery is in Limestone Co. and that Mt Calm used to be also. I am specifically looking for documentation that his parents were Mary Crowson and Samuel Sims.

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first step is to get the death cert (free on line now). 1908 is early, but hopefully it was done. That will show parents. check the cemetery ( find a grave) ,see if there are other Sims buried there.
gloria hargrave
Unfortunately there isn't a death certificate...I've already gone that route. (I've also gotten his marriage license from AL, but no mention of parents.) He was living with a granddaughter when he died so their graves are in that cemetery, but no other Sims graves. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Richard Crowson Sims is the sister of my kids ancestor thru their father. Julie Ann Sims born 16 Oct 1829 married Harmon Tankursley 11 March 1847 in Benton, Calhoun Co, AL. Thier oldest child Samuel Sims Tankursley. Harmon was a Union soldier who contacted measles and died of complications in Louisiana while serving during the Civil War. As a result, Julie Ann Sims Tankursley, went to TX with the children and members of her family. Samuel, the eldest boy drove the team of oxen.

I get the impression she went with Sims family members..

Hi, Betty,
Do you have any documentation that Samuel Sims and Mary Crowson are Richard and Julia's parents? I know that they are but I need documentation for a possible DAR application. I think I had something at one time so I'm really frustrated that I can't find it now.
Richard was born in Alabama and then lived in Louisiana before moving to Texas. He was in 28th Regiment, Louisiana Infantry (Gray's) in the Civil War as was his son Simeon Sims.
I agree with the info you have on Littlepage Sims, Richard and Julia's grandfather.

Another SIMMS to chase and see if he named his parents and or siblings in Littlepage Sims. His daughter Rebecca Margaret married Nathan Horn, and were they parents of Littlepage Calloway Horn, who married Caroline Buff.. Caroline married William Tubbs and also wound up in Austin Co, TX.. Littlepage Horn died in Marion Alabama in Dec of 1867. I never looked for a will.
I have Littlepage Sims dying in Jefferson Co, AL (Birmingham) in 1830.



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