Genealogy Wise

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Hi Everone,

Welcome to the Morris Group!!

Here is a little about my Morris line:

John Morris b. abt 1755 in or near Orange County, Virginia, d. abt 1825 in Boone County, Kentucky. He married Linney Brown.
John Morris, Jr. b. abt 1783 in Orange, Virginia, d. 06 Aug 1854 in Marshall County, Indiana. He married 1st Susanna Sukey Dollins and 2nd Fanny Lucas
George Morris b. abt 1840 in Indiana, d. 17 Oct 1901 in St Joseph County, Indiana. He married 1st Sarah Watkins, 2nd Sarah Schaffer, 3rd Hannah Ort, 4th Maria Thomas and 5th Mary Ulbright
William John Morris b. 04 Jul 1867 in Marshall County, Indiana, d. 17 Sep 1920 in South Bend, Indiana. He married Martha Ann Sheaks
Gladys Myrtle Morris b. 23 May 1904 in South Bend, Indiana, d. 06 Apr 1973 in South Bend, Indiana. She married James Kauffman Ellis
Mary Elaine Ellis b. 02 Apr 1928 in South Bend, Indiana, d. 18 Nov 2002 in Chicago, Illinois. She married 1st Kenneth Dashel and 2nd Eugene Lewis Nye.
Then Myself Wendy Elaine Nye Ramirez

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Hi, Wendy, I am trying to find more about my husband's Morris Line. His mother was Catherine Morris, born 18 Dec.1920 in Orange, NJ. She was the daughter of Thomas Morris, born 1872 or 74 in Northern Ireland, we think Roscommon. His wife was Catherine Walsh, born 1883, d.1937 Catherine Morris married Neal Francis Healy , and they had 3 children. My husband was their youngest. This is all in Essex County, New Jersey.
Hi Ellen,

If your mother-in-law has a brother I would suggest that she ask him to take a DNA test in the Morris Surname DNA Group at FTDNA
They are running a sale on 37 Marker YDNA tests for $119.00 thru the month of July, after that they go back to the regular price of $149.00. You need a Male Morris to take the test to find out if your line matches with any of the others who have tested. Through your matches you may find the Family Info you are looking for.
Thanks, Wendy. But both my mother-in-law and all of her brothers and sisters are deceased. And it seems that my mother-in-law only kept in touch with her sisters' families- my husband never mentions cousins from his uncles' families, and I have never met any of them. I might be something to bring up to my husband and his brother- maybe they would like to get in touch again. (Although I doubt it.)
Hi Ellen,
There may be no connection but my Morris ancestor, Cornelius, was born in Roscommon in 1789 and one of my cousins married Alice Marie Healy, born 1922, in Brooklyn, NY. Her father was Mathew Healy was born in 1883 in Brooklyn, NY..
Neil Morris
Hi Ellen - firstly as a point of information Roscommon is not in N. Ireland. My own grandfather Thomas Morris ( died about 1979 - aged approx 85 ) was from a very significant family in N. Ireland - ( Co. Derry / Londonderry ) Thomas is a big family name both my uncle and brother also bearing it! It' s a little difficult getting any concrete info as there is a lot tied up with Irish Historical events both North & South - My Grandfather Thomas Morris is mentioned in Michael Collins's biography by Tom Pat Coogan.
Wedny, I read your posts about John Morris. I am searching for Morris line: Paschall (also spelled Paskell) Morris, (1805-1850) who married Susannah (1800 - 1868) and lived in Orange or Greene Co, VA. I believe Paschall is the s/o Ikey (also spelled Ickey) Morris (1785-1842) and Elizabeth __ (1785--). Possibly Ikey is the s/o William Morris (1736-1820) and Mary Elizabeth___ (1735-1820). I have found conflicting records along the way and have just started getting into deeper research of this line. Have you or anyone else run across these Morris"? - Joan
Hi Joan,

I think I know someone who can help you, since Ickey was from the Orange County, Va area I asked someone in that line to take a DNA test to find out if they matched my line. The 2 lines did not Match but I still have the Contact info, I can send her an e-mail and let her know you are interested in this line.

Do you know when the Morris Line broke off and some of them Changed there last name To Morriss they basically added an S

Hi here is a little about my Morris line. Go type Johnny Dee Morris in search at



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