Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I have an opportunity to get back to WV with in the next month. My maternal line lived here for many years. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how where the Stanaford Mine Cemetery is. I have tried googling it and the only thing I have found is it is on Rt 41 (I think) I have a few ancestors buried here and would love to get to it. The last time I was there, I was told be a relative that it is hard to get to. I am ok with having to hike into it. I just would like to be able to get in there and take some pictures of family stones. Plus, I have no clue if and when I will be able to get there again. Also, is there anyone I can contact that would have knowledge of the plots themselves, as I do not know how large this cemetery is, could be a lot easier if I knew exactly where to go.
I can dream right?

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What town is it in. I live in Marion county, WV 18 miles south of Morgantown.90 miles south of Pittsburgh. It sounds like a secondary road,not a main rt. Dianne
Dianne - It is off a dirt road in Stanaford. Directions are up earlier in this thread. How far is this from you Dianne?

Patsy, I have been on many sites looking and have not found much on the Stanaford Cemetery. I know there is a group that is looking to photograph the whole cemetery and others in that area, but I do not know when they will be completed. I believe I did look through Rootsweb already. My ancestors there are the Richmond's, who are yours?
id have to look but mine were the lunsford's, murdock, keaton, loar.
i have the lunsford from a cemetery in stanaford, wv. but i cant remember which one it is though.. bad girl...
So excited, I will be in Beckley tomorrow and a bit on Saturday. Have many cemeteries to get to in a short time frame!
Terri: How did your cemetery hunt go? The thread kinda dropped after you made your trip and left me curious. What colleges were you looking at and for what child? My oldest granddaughter, Paige, is doing the college visitation thing this year. I am already scheduled to sit for the youngest grandchild and or the dog for several weekends this fall.
Kay, Cemetery Hunt went well. Through the other site you had me invited to a found a distant cousin and he took me around to a few small family cemeteries as well as the Stanaford one. In Stanaford, I found the grave site of my GG Grandparents within 5 minutes. I was hoping to find some kind of Masonic markings on the grave, but there were none.
We also visited the Hurt Family Cemetery, which was in a sad state. You could barely see the headstones over the weeds and such. Thank goodness that Bob knew exactly where the ancestors were so we could go in, hold the weeds back and take some pictures.
It was a great day, wish 5 was able to have stayed longer.

As for the colleges, I took my son. He is the middle child. We visited, Penn State - State College Campus, Georgetown, Catholic University of America, College of Wm and Mary, and James Madison University.

My favorites were Georgetown and Wm and Mary for the historical aspects. Penn State because they have such school spirit! But my all time favorite was William and Mary! Second oldest college in America. Plus, it is right by Jamestown and Colonial Williamsburg. I would love to live near the history in that area!

We did all this in a week and I was really exhausted afterwards!
Sounds like a great if tiring trip. I have a cousin who lives in Williamsburg. When her husband was ready to retire that is where he wanted to go, they had lived in Maryland and ran a marina. They love it. He retired and she went back to school. They are both loving life.



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