Genealogy Wise

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I am trying to delete a lot of people in my file that are living and/or not related to me. Do I have to go to each one of them and tag each one separately, then delete all of them. Is there any way to delete them without doing that?

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To remove all the living, whether you are related to them or not, first use Search>Find>Detailed Search and search for individual, living, equal to.Yes using the first row and drop-down lists.

Click the Create button at the bottom of the screen and on the screen which opens up, select Options and then Advance Tagging. Tag "Everyone in the Search List" with a convenient tag number.

Now go to Tools>Advance Deleting and delete all those with the tag you selected previously.

Good luck
Thanks, I will try this. It sounds as if it is easy. Mary Frances
It isn't too bad! I can't help wondering why you would want to delete your living relatives though?
I just can't get this going--I've tried what you told me to do, and when I get to the Create List it tells me there is no list. I'm trying to work with someone else's file that contains much of my family, but more of his. I'd like to get all of that off the file. I'm sure there is a way, but I can't find it. I've even tried the split screen to copy the data I want to the file I want. And that didn't work for me. I'm sure I'm being very stupid about the whole thing, but I just can't seem to be able to clean the file up.
Well, I finally got rid of all the ones I was trying to delete. I think I found out what I was doing wrong. I'll try now to get rid of some of the others. Thanks for your help. Sorry I was so dense.
Hi Mary,
There is another work around that I have used when sending a GEDCom to part of my family that was did not have the same Ancestors as myself.
To do this I selected the persons Ancestor then exported Via GEDCom all descendants of that Ancestor on the persons Male line in this case the persons Great Grand father.
Then I did the same for his Great Grandfathers on his Grand mothers side of the family.
Then opened up a new database (File) Named it Harry's lot and imported the three GEDCom's into it and merged any duplicates, having completed this I then Exported to GEDCom the complete new Database and emailed the info to my cousin.
By doing it this way you get to keep all the data in one file while ensuring the other file has only the data that is required for the job at hand.
You can have as many Database files as you like with Legacy I have four at present and I have to have it that way due to carrying out One Name Studies, one is world wide over 3000 individuals, one is Scotland & Ireland only, one is for New Zealand only and then I have my own Family as well.
Thanks David. I think this will be a good work-around. Mary Frances



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