Genealogy Wise

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Just a suggestion from my own research. My ancestor said he was born in NC but NC was Va (it covered a lot of territory), then NC, State of Franklin, Watagua Association (some records maintained in NC), and then Tennessee. This is 1744 era. I am finding that he really didn't move around much, it just looks like it. If you have been researching a long time, you probably know this but even the Ohio Territory can get involved prior to Tennessee. Takes a lot of digging in a lot of counties/states to get the historical movement of the lines and governments to find the ancestor.

If you have an early Tn person, check out (online) Beverly's Land around Stanton in Augusta County, Va. The online maps in one location show the names of all the original land deeds. Some of these people go to Sullivan/Washington County, Tn area and on.

If someone has any more information on this area, I would like to hear from them.

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Do you have a link? I have ancestors from Augusta County, VA. The family moved to North Carolina, then Kentucky, and finally to Tennessee. I also have many other Tennessee ancestors who were originally from North Carolina or Virginia.
My e-maill is I don't have a website.

Sounds like a familar route. I have Cowan, Carlock, Abbott, Hinds?, Rutledge, Susong, in that area. We THINK we may have a lead on our Robert Cowan b. 1744 who DOES NOT dna match the line from Blountville but who had connections in Augusta County. We are specifically tracking on an Andrew Cowan whose father is reportedly James Cowan...not the same ones that appear in Sullivan Area later on. We THINK James may have been born in Scotland and entry into the US MAY have been about the same time as the Cowans in Tennessee Cousins which for years every research thought were all related; not ours however. The Abbott line is online as being through Joseph Abbott of Halifax County our Joseph b. about 1805 has children born both in Va and in NC (think the lines just changed). Only, and that is Only, record that is firm that I have is that he had a daughter who married in Smythe or Wythe County which again, was part of Augusta County. A relative now deceased said she remembered Boutetout County which again, Augusta County??? No maiden Name for our Joseph Abbott who married Keziah Narcessia Unknown. Again, the internet says a Joseph Abbott of Halifax is our Joseph's father but I don't see or hear the proof yet.

The Carlocks are documented. The Hinds are probably not in that area as we THINK they came from the West Indies per dna. The Susongs are documented. Yes, I do have McConnells also and have an excellent book on them. To my knowledge, none of my direct lines went to Kentucky but that may not be right. I know one person down the line was "taken back to Illinois" for burial so it is possible they did come through the Gap toKentucky.

These lines are all on my father's ancestry. I have other lines in Tennessee from my daughter-in-law and information as far back as 1670s on Ellis and allied lines from my mother's side.

Would appreciate sharing research and history of the region plus if your lines connect, I share everything I have proven.
Hi! I can contact you by e-mail if you want, but I thought I'd post here in case anyone else from the group is interested. None of the names you mentioned sound familiar to me, but I need to do much more research in Augusta County. I haven't done that much yet. My ancestor Francis Hardgrave was born in Augusta County, VA on 5 March 1745. He moved to North Carolina and his daughter Hannah, who I descend from, was born there. The family later moved to Kentucky, and Hannah Hardgrave married Andrew Russell in Lincoln County, Kentucky in 1799. I am still trying to find out more about Andrew Russell; there were men with that name in Augusta County when Francis Hardgrave was there and I know that families sometimes migrated together, so I wonder if they were related to my Andrew Russell. Francis Hardgrave and some of his family moved to Davidson County, Tennessee around the time that Hannah married, and Hannah's family eventually moved there as well. Hannah's daughter Sobrina is the one that had the child that I think was illegitimate.

All my Tennessee ancestors are on my father's father's side of the family. Other surnames of mine from the area are Gatlin, Gower, Tarkington, Dyer, and Binkley. And I believe that the father of Sobrina Russell's daughter Amanda was a man named James Sawyer. My family was mostly in Davidson and Williamson counties, and some were in Robertson County.

You had said to check out Beverly's Land online; do you have a link for that? is the connection.

I have seen Russells (Russels) in that part of Virginia. Don't recall just whom. We have a possible Russell connection but are blocked on it, also. The Robertson connection might tie into the Sharep, Woodards, Taylors that are in my daughter-in-law's line. If I can help, I would be happy to.

I am new to this site. I have been trying to compile a family history to make a book. I am descended from Robert Cowan and Nancy Ann Rutledge and have been so frustrated with the brick wall that I hit when trying to uncover Robert's parentage. I have an old family book from 1996 and that as well as any other research I can find incorrectly lists Robert as being related to the seven brothers who immigrated in 1726. The DNA does not match as you have said and I would love to have any fresh leads on this family. I have limited information on the Susong, Rutledge and Caldwell families who pertain to this line and I have an unfortunately poor photocopy on my computer of a portrait of the eight sons of William Rutledge Cowan and Nancy (Susong) Cowan. The portrait appears to have come from a book, but I have not been able to locate the original source. James Susong Cowan is my great great grandfather.
Glad to find anyone related to the line. I have one contact in Salt Lake City who is trying to help me work on this (unless you are her!). I didn't check your e-mail address. She is also from the James S. Cowan line.

I am hunting for Andrew and James right now. The lady in Salt Lake has information that ties Robert to that line. If you go to McDonalds of the USA site, our dna matches the McDonalds of ancient times within 2 markers....does not match the Cowan dna on FamilyTree...the sample is under a seperate heading and is B. Cowan.

I would love to correspond with you. My e-mail is I have acquired Robert's deeds on Beaver Creek and all of Sullivan County...the Washington County Robert IS NOT this line. Before her death I confirmed that with Laura Cowan Cooper. The Washington County, Tn line comes through Knoxville, Tn.

Since the Rutledge line comes direct from Scotland (from other researchers) I have tried to focus on those lines. I do think Robert came through PA but he may have been with the 7 brothers, he isn't directly related! But, I don't know how far back the "difference" is. Could be back before last names and his ancestor was born a McDonald and raised by Cowan, etc...lots of scenarios.

Just e-mailme and I will exchange what I have. Also verify that I am or am not talking to the lady in Salt Lake City. :)




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