Genealogy Wise

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Is there any place that I could find bastardy bonds from Davidson County, Tennessee, from 1830? I've searched online and haven't found anything about them for that area and time period. I know they exist in some other places. I believe that my great-great-great-grandmother was illegitimate, and although I suspect I know who her father was, I would like to find better proof.

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I have done a little work in this area. Usually the counties I have worked in have seperate books that are entitled Basardy Bonds or something similar and you can search those.

Hope that helps a bit. I haven't researched much in Davidson County so it may not apply there.

Have you tried contacting the Tennessee State Library & Archives? They should be able to tell you exactly what they have for Davidson county.
I checked their catalog and only saw them for Jefferson County. Thanks anyway, though!



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