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Augusta, daughter of Johannes Bengtsson (a farmer in Brandstorp) and Maja Johansdotter (her second marriage), was born in Våmb, Skövde on 5 Dec 1851 and baptized on 7 Dec 1851. Johannes Bengtsson 13 Mar 1823 in Hångsdala in Skaraborg county. Maria (Maja) Johannesdotter was born 21 Apr 1822. Maria and Johannes Bengtsson had the following children: Matilda b. 3 Dec 1848 in Norra Kyrketorp; Emma Kristina, b. 15 Aug1850 - d. 22 Nov 1850 in Våmb; August b. 21 Dec 1854 in Våmb. I have descendant's information of Augusta Johannesdotter, and some information about Matilda's descendants. I have a death location for August in Pierce County, Wisconsin, America.
I have a note referring to two other children: Gustaf Wilhelm Johanson born after 1857 in Sweden and Tyra Albertine (?) born after 1857 in Sweden, but I have not located any other information on them.
Maria had the following children in her first marriage: Erik Johann Svensson b. 28 Jan 1843 in Våmb and Sofia Svensdotter b. 6 Jun 1844 in Våmb. Any additional information on these persons would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, Renée
Ten years ago while visiting my cousins in Sweden, I was given a booklet prepared by members of the family in the Vara area of Skovde.Johannes was the son of Peter Bjorkman/Persson. Johannes worked on a large farm caled Kavlas and in 1806 married Stina Nilsdotter. Matilda Josephina Perrson married Carl G. Pehrson in Chicago and lived in DeKalb, IL. and raised me.
Reply on Judi Palmquist
Matilda Josephina Persson b.7 jun 1880 in Sjogerstad; her Mor was Caisa Lisa Svensdotter, Farmor had a sister Anna b.1873 or 4 who lived in a poor house in Klagstorp.

Sjogerstad and Klagstorp is in Skövde area. Klagstorp is a place as well as an estate in Norra Kyrketorp parish. The estate the army owns except for the house. There is an exercise place for tanks.

In Census 1890
At Claëstorp, Norra Kyrketorp (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Unmarried, mother in the family
Svensdotter, Kajsa Lisa B. 1843 i Hagelberg (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Anna Sofia B. 1873 i Sjogerstad (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Matilda Josefina B f. 1880 i Hagelberg (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)

In 1900 the mother and daughter Anna Sofia still living at the same address.
Did Anna Sophia have any children? I have a picture of Anna with a group of women in the home they lived in; in the background is a young girl who looked quite a bit like my aunt who was Matilda's daughter.
Sorry, but I have just access to at latest Census 1900 and nothing after that. Tried to find Anna in the Death Index without success. She must passed away before 1947, when the CD starting. The database is just for 1947-2006. A new one will come later on in 2010 in Aug-Sept and that will include from 1901 to 2008.

The churchbooks for Norra Kyrketorp or others in the area around here, aren't avaible after 1898. They are at the Landsarkiv in Göteborg and will be filmed. But how long time it will takes I don't know, probably years.

I can make a try for you at Rötter, which is the meeting place for genealogists in Sweden. Or you can make one yourself at Most of the information is in swedish however but it's some instructions in swedish as well.
Thank you so much for the wotk you've done for me. I did try the Rotter, but since the records and some instructions are in Swedish, I just got more confused than ever.
I have made a query for you at Rötter under Sjogerstad. To see it you have to go through Diskussioner - Nytt senaste dygn (newest the last day) - Västergötland - Sjogerstad. If you will look at it later it's Nytt senaste veckan.

Got some help at Rötter from a Hanna Berndtsson,

From the Deathbook of Norra Kyrketorp
1923 Febr. 8 - Kajsa Lisa Svensdotter, understödstagare från Klagstorp. Född 3 okt. 1843. Dödsorsak: Hjärnslag

1937 Sept. 3 - Persson Anna Sofia, understödstagare från Klagstorp. Född 8 mars 1873
Not married

I am looking for information on Carl Johan Peterson, born in Skovde in 1865 and emigrated to the US in about 1886. I have one document that indicates his mother's name was Cristina and the dates could be off by a year or two. Is information available about his birth/christening that might lead me to his parents? Thanks.
Can it be:
Carl Johan Johansson Petersson B 1864 4th May in Övra Källsäter, Bengtstorp Rote, Locketorp parish. (Churchbook Väring C:5 p 251)
His mother is Anna Christina Pettersdotter Bank B 3th Jan 1829 in Locketorp. She wasn't married at Carl Johan's birth so no father registrated.
She and the son are at churchbook Locketorp AI:9 p 16 with her parents:
Petter Bank B 12th March 1792 in Kyrkefalla D 11th May 1869
Anna Bengtsdotter B 19th Oct 1791 in Horn D 23th March 1866

Carl Johan emigrated 1888


I'm hoping to locate some information on my Great Grandfather. His name is John E Peterson. My best guess is his middle name would be Edwin, (his first born son was named Edwin). According to my records he was born Feb 26, 1865, somewhere in Sweden. I know that's not much help! :-)

I know he had a brother named Herman. Herman never emmigrated to America. Herman's birthday is 2-4-1870, but I'm not sure if this means February 4th or April 2nd. I have a photo taken outside on his 80th birthday and there is no snow on the ground, but other than that the date could either be Feb or April. Herman probably died between 1950-1960. We have other photos of him taken by photographers in Vara, and Hjo.

John E Peterson emmigrated to America in 1887 according to family stories and 1887 is documented in a US Census as the year he arrived in America. After much research, my best guess is that this emmigration record is the best match for "my" John E Peterson, given the date of emmigration and his age. Here is the info I have:

Name: Johan E Peterson
Birth Year: abt 1865
Gender: Man (Male)
Place of Origin: Fröjered Västra Götaland Län, Sverige
Destination: Chicago Illinois
Record Date: 23 sep 1887
Port of Departure: Göteborg
Database Name: EmiHamn
Archive Call Number: 33:169:1634
Principal Person:

Peterson Johan E

I am not certain that this record is actually "my" John E Peterson, however there are some anecdotal reasons to think it might be. (ie: Birth Year, Destination, Year of Emmigration). I have been trying to use this information about his "Place of Origin" to narrow down his parrish and geographical location.

I have been trying to locate a Household Examination Record that would show a Joh(a)n E and a Herman living in the same household. After many hours of searching through Genline microfilm, I have come up empty. I came across this site and thought there might be some other resources available that I might have overlooked or am not aware of.

I'm hoping Annelie or someone on this board might have a better idea of where to look!

Thanks in Advance!



p.s. On a side note, I have been able to locate my Great Grandmother's information in the Genline microfilms, and found her family information in the Household Examination Records for Varola, but I knew to look there specifically. Her name is Augusta Josefina Anderson, born in 1862, and her family is from Varola. I do not know if John knew "Josie" when they lived in Sweden or if they met in Chicago after they came to America. It is interesting however that Josie emmigrated to America on Sept 9, 1887, and the John Peterson referenced above emmigrated on September 23, 1887, they were both headed to Chicago. Their first two children were born in Chicago! Hmmmm...


The John E Peterson you find in the emigrantrecord seems to be the one you are looking for.

In Census 1880 for Sweden

Andersson, Johan Peter Owner b. 1837 i Sjogerstad (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Married to

Magnusdotter, Anna b. 1825 i Varola (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Johan Edvin b. 1865 i Värsås (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Herman b. 1870 i Sjogerstad (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)
Stenbohlet Korsberga (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)

In the household there is also a sister to Anna

Magnusdotter, Greta b. 1831 i Varola (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland)

From the Death Index of Sweden

18700402-595 Pettersson, Herman Gottfrid
Dead 4/27/1956 Kyrkebyn 1:1, Ekelid, Grevbäck, Hjo kn (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland).
Born 4/2/1870 in Sjogerstad (Skaraborgs län, Västergötland).
Married man (7/1/1920).





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