Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

If you are researching or interested in Portage Co., OH genealogically, please post your queries, family information, any resources you'd like to share and anything else that you feel is applicable to Portage Co. here. If you would prefer that your post be viewed by the whole group, post it to the Comment Wall and not here (please don't double post to both places), just keep in mind that posts in the Comment Wall will quickly be buried by new posts...

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am looking for anything on Jonathan WILLIAMS and his second wife, Jehanna WELLS, and their children.
I am researching the Truman Gilbert family that came to Portage Co. in the early 1800's.
Have you seen the book "History of Portage County, Ohio: Containing a History of the County, its ..." that is posted on Google Books?

It contains info such as:

"In 1806 there arrived from Litchfield, Conn., Truman Gilbert, Sr., his wife, seven sons and one daughter: Charles, Truman, Jr., Lyman, Marvin, Dr. Ezra, Walter, Champion [plus Benjamin] and Rebecca, the latter being now the widow of Ebenezer Buckley, and is eighty-five years of age, remarkably well preserved in mind and health, and as genial, social, kind-hearted and even jolly, as, possibly, she was half a century ago. Her husband was in the war of 1812, and the old lady, some years ago, had a pension almost forced upon her. She retains a vivid recollection of the past, and can tell as good a snake story as any of her neighbors, for she lives not far from the "Ledge," and has seen many of the old-time yellow reptiles. Charles Gilbert, the eldest son, had a family of nine, and forty-five years elapsed before a single death occurred among them, a remarkable instance, and a fact tolerably discouraging to any undertaker to settle among such undying families. There is an apple tree on the place of Warner Gilbert that was planted in 1806. When Truman Gilbert was raising his house in 1806, and was being assisted by the neighbors, as usual, and some Indians, an eclipse of the sun occurred, which badly frightened the latter. They left the work, got out their bows and arrows and began firing their arrows up into the heavens in the direction of the slowly darkening sun, to scare off the evil spirit."
I'm researching the Campbell/Case families, GGrandfather, Frank W Campbell was born around 1850, married Louie B Case, died in 1898. I got their marriage certificate from the county records office, but it doesn't include parents' names.
For those researching this area, there is a History of Portage County available online.



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