Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Just purchased Reunion 9 - Want to download .ged file from to get started?

I just purchased the latest program.  I have almost 500 entries on with all the basic information from my family tree.  I never uploaded photos or source info..planned on doing that when (now) I decided on a program.

Any suggestions, warnings or concerns about downloading a .ged file from and then uploading that file as a new "family" in Reunion?


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I did it and I got the instructions from doing a query on the Reunion forum. Sorry, I don't remember how I did it.
Yes this is a great treatment of downloading a family tree from Ancestry. However I have had problems trying to do the reverse. When I try to create a family tree in Ancestry from a gedcom file generated by Reunion it does not work. I get an error but no indication of what the problem is. I have tried contacting Ancestry to see if there was an error log that might indicate how to fix the problem, but they were no help. Does anyone have any ideas, or tips on avoiding problems with trying to do this?
To both Saul Anuzis and Vernon Smith:

Genealogy Wise is a great resource — I come here all the time. Many of us will try to help you.

But for Reunion users (and for folk considering Reunion as a program) there is another great (free) source. Find ReunionTalk (supported by Leister), join the group and ask you questions there. There are many experienced Reunion users there AND the staff at Leister sometimes join the discussion with good technical support.



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