Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Do you know of more specific good links to the Hollingsworth surname on the Internet? Please add your suggestions to the list.

Ken Hollingsworth's Genealogy Site
Updated January 15, 2005

Susan Egan Wyatt: Hollingsworth Family Descendants - Quaker and Non-Quaker
Updated July 25, 2006

Distant Hollingsworth Genealogy and Family History
Copyright 1998-2008

Surname Finder Hollingsworth Genealogy and Family Tree Resources
Genealogy Today LLC Undated Checklist to use in Internet research

Linkpendium Hollingsworth Family: Surname Genealogy, Family History, Family Tree, Family Crest
Updated Thursday, 30 July 2009

Views: 378

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The website that Sheila shared is:
"Welcome to Official Website of the Descendants of Valentine Hollingsworth, Sr, Society"
I am glad you found this and are offering it to our Hollingsworth Surname Group. Many Hollingsworth Surnames can trace their family roots back to Valentine Hollingsworth, Sr. I personally am unfortunate so far that my ancestry does not trace back to him, but to other Hollingsworth in Maryland. Perhaps someday I will find a connection. I don't recall if it has been mentioned but there are some free google ebooks online that list the Hollingsworth Surname. Go to this website address:
and you will find 723 free google books online about Hollingsworth Surnames. Some of them are full view, are searchable by name, pages can be saved, and copied.

This link is the website for Doug Hollingsworth, a well respected and knowledgeable researcher of the Hollingsworth line. Despite the link name, the site covers all branches of the Hollingsworth family, as well as similar surnames like Hollandsworth and Hollingworth. You will find lots of Hollingsworth census summaries, obituaries, Social Security Death indexes and family history information on the site, which is updated regularly.

The website for the Descendants of Valentine Hollingsworth Senior Society (DVHSS) was completely revamped about a year ago and has a lot of new info. There is both public content and content that is reserved for access by members only. If you are, or believe you are a descendant of Valentine, who came to America in 1682, then the annual membership fee is well worth it for access to the member only content. This includes two genealogy databases, a direct descendants database with over 57,000 individuals (that can be searched and utilized on-line), and a database can be ordered on cd that includes info on families that inter-married with Hollingsworths with over 500,000 individuals. The member only content also includes the current issue and all back issues of the Society quarterly newsletter, Hollingsworth Heritage, as well as complete info on the Hollingsworth DNA program. Also available to members are updates on the Hollingsworth Military history program, a user forum, and a media gallery with photos of past Society events.



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