Genealogy Wise

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My gr gr grandfather was suposed to have been born at Uplands farm  near Wootton Surrey.1836 or 7.His parents John  and Amelia LaMott Anderson.He apprenticed as a baker in Dorking and had to return to the farm to help his father.Left for America around 1854-6.I've found him Dubuque Iowa on the 1860 US census married to Mary Ann O'Connor born CastleLyon County Cork Ireland and have followed to him to California and evnually Victoria BC BUT can't find him in England  at all.This is my brickwall. Any thought?

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You do have a bit of a problem don't you
First is finding an Uplands Farm near Wootton (or Wotton) I have searched far and wide including all pages of Wootton in 1841/1851 census but so sign
I cannot find an ANDERSONs with a Wootton/Wotten connection or an Amelia & John ANDERSON in Surrey 1841 / 1851
I have had a look at some old O/S maps for Wotton but no trace of an Uplands Farm there either
Are you saying that a John ANDERSON married an Amelia LAMOTT ? no sign of a marriage for those names
My conclusion is that the information you have is either mixed up with the passage of time or perhaps meant to mislead (to cover tracks perhaps?)
Do you have anything else on them at all ?
I was given this information by my cousin who found itin the BC Archives in Victoria BC.I've always heard that George W Anderson sr was a baker apprenticed in Dorking but the rest was new to me.I've pretty much decided that there was some confusion as on one BC census his son has listed himself as of scottish descent.
I have confirmed them from Dubuque Iowa in 1860 but not before that.
Any thoughts how I should procede?
Hi Ann
Guess I really have a confused set of information don't I.As I said I've wondered for awhile if there was some hiding ,changing of facts.I don't know if he was really scottish or even Irish since his wife was Irish and I can't find a marriage in Dubuque Iowa but those records many were destroyed.Can't find her father in Dubuque either.
The only information that might help is he was a baker in Grass Valley California and Victoria BC so his apprenticeship as a baker in Dorking might hold .Is there any way to track baker's apprentice in 1840's?
really apprectiate the help as this has bothered me for years.

Hi All

Just to give you my latest update.From the Victoria BC genealogy society I've found that John and Amelia Baker seem to be Mary's parents.From an old newspaper article we found that Mary's sister Anne Baker married a John Camp .So guess all the info about George William Anderson was really Mary's family.So all I really know is that he was a baker in Dubuque Iowa.Grass Valley California and Victoria BC.No idea who he really was and guess his wife Mary O'Connell was married before  or?

Hi, Carol - It's been a few years since you posted this, but I just came across it. George William was my great great grandfather as well, and wanted to touch base with you.



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