Genealogy Wise

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I would like to try to determine where my gggrandparents were living during the 1860 census.  The census shows them as being in the 8th Ward of Baltimore city. They were dwelling number 3011.

Does anyone know a way to figure out an address?


Wes Jester

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It doesn't show the address on the census? Where did you get the copy from?
The ones I the actual Street name Parallel to the house number. If the record was blown up too much it might have cut the street name off :(
I got the print from the Ancestry 1850 Census record. All the columns are visible. There is no place I can see where an address would be used.

I have even checked the Heritage site with exactly the same results, as expected.

Thanks for the reply

hmmm...maybe try looking at later years for that same area? I'm guessing your family moved before 1900s? The Census records I got were 1910-1930 and they all had the street names...I'm thinking that if your family moved before they started using street names?? So if you look later at that same area...try looking for some of the other names on the list...I'm sure they didn't all move :o) I can't remember if there was a way to search for the District/borough? at any rate...Good Luck :)

What were your GGGrandparents names? I typed Harbaugh, 8th Ward of Baltimore Maryland 1860 records into Google and it gave me a bunch of Harbaugh names. Don't know if they are the ones??
James, Joseph, Josiah Harbaugh from

and another site that shows John G. Harbaugh or Samuel V. Harbaugh (Obituaries) -

I'll search around a little more later today and post some more :o)
Addresses were not part of the official census data until 1880. It's possible individual census takers may have jotted down addresses, or at least street names--possibly as a way to keep track of where they had already been--but in general, you won't find addresses in the earlier censuses.

The instructions given to the 1860 census takers can be found at . The discussion of how to enumerate households is on page 16 of the PDF, but I didn't find any place where the enumerators were told where to start or in what order to proceed through the neighborhood.

Three possible suggestions for trying to figure out where your ancestors lived in 1860:
1. Did Baltimore city directories exist in 1860? does not have any in their database, but a Baltimore library might be able to give you more information on this.
2. Check later censuses. Note not only the address, but the people living near your ancestors. Then check the 1860 census--are some of the neighbors the same? If so, your ancestors were probably in the same house in 1860.
3. Check land and tax records at city hall. Land records will only exist for your ancestors if they owned the property. Tax records will exist if they owned the land, and might if they were renters, depending on Baltimore or Maryland laws for who paid the taxes--the renter or the landlord.
Thanks for the reply. I found a city directory. It shows a map of the wards and glory hallelujah, there are in it. Found em'

Thanks again for the great info




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