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I am researching my grandmother. I believe she was probably born Inger Larsdotter, born 1827 in Sweden. She was later known as Larson; she married John Nelson, and her gravestone lists her as Ingren L. Nelson. They had a daughter, Augusta, born May 8, 1860 in Grimmared, Alfsborgs Lan. She married Anders/Andrew Johnson, born January 12, 1858 in Torestorp, Alfsborgs Lan. All but John Nelson are buried in a cemetery in East Longmeadow, MA.

Looking for more info on John & Inger.



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Wow! That shows where the Guilford, CT "Red Herring" comes from! If you look at the entry #11 above Augusta, it is that person who is buried in Guilford, not Augusta. The enrty for Augusta was obviously keyed into the data base with that data instead by accident...
I am 100% convinced that Augusta's Parents were Nils Johansson and Ingjerd Pettersdotter. (Did you receive the Husförhörslängder for this couple for Grimmareds from 1870-1879 that I emailed you? Please email back to confirm?) This became clear to me after seeing the Birth Record for Augusta's son Carl (Charles) Richard Johnson. This record shows her Swedish (not Americanized) name as Augusta Nilsdotter. It also shows Augusta and Andrew's birth dates: Andrew - 58 1/12 and Augusta - 1861 8/5. Following Augusta back to America in 1889, she travels in a group (from Emihamn database,*also note Julian listed):

Anna Abrahamsdotter abt 1865 40:193:29779 Grimmared Västra Götaland Län, Sverige New York 6 sep 1889 EmiHamn
Augusta Johnson abt 1861 40:193:29779 Amerika New York 6 sep 1889 EmiHamn
Juliana Johnson abt 1886 40:193:29779 Amerika New York 6 sep 1889 EmiHamn
Carl Johnson abt 1889 40:193:29779 Amerika New York 6 sep 1889 EmiHamn
Ester Stina Nilsdotter abt 1871 40:193:29779 Grimmared Västra Götaland Län, Sverige New York

Curious about Ester Stina Nilsdotter I went back to the Church departures from Grimmared but found only a single Nilsdotter leaving named Elemina. I followed Elemina's departure record back to the Husförhörslängder's which is where I found Nils and Ingjerd. Going back a decade in the Husförhörslängder you find Augusta born on 8 May 1861. So Elemina is Augusta's sister.
I traced the Husförhörslängder's for Nils and Ingjerd both forwards and backwards in time and located the birth records for them as well. Here are some of the things I find:
1) They both left for America in 1890, arriving 12 May 1890 with a destination of all places: Massachussets.
2) Nils was born on 17 Feb 1827. Now the Husförhörslängder I sent showed 17 Dec 1828. But as I traced back I found where a clerk had actually transcribed the date wrong in 1849; before 1849 it is correct all the way back to the birth record.
3) Injerd was born on 15 Dec 1826 in Istorps. Istorps is about 4 miles from Grimmared. BTW Injerd has a brother in law named Lars Anderson. I believe this is in someway related to the usuage of the name Larson...
4) They were married 7 Jul 1848 in Grimmared.

Now compare them to the "parents" listed in the 1900 Census record for Andrew Johnson:

Census: Couple
Neile Johnson ---> Nils Johanson
b Feb 1827 ---> b 17 Feb 1827
M 53yrs ---> M 7 Jul 1848, 52yrs 49 weeks based on enumeration date of 15 Jun 1900
Arrival 1890 ---> 1890

J*Nia Johnson ---> Injerd Pettersdotter is Swedish given name
b Dec 1826 ---> 15 Dec 1826
M 53yrs ---> M 7 Jul 1848, 52yrs 49 weeks based on enumeration date of 15 Jun 1900
Arrival 1890 ---> 1890
Children total 8 --> From 1870-1879 Husförhörslängder's I count 8 children total, no others located in other
Children dead 2 --> From 1870-1879 Husförhörslängder's I count 2 of those children died, no others died in other Husförhörslängder's upto 1890.

Based on the date of 1 Dec 1858 and location of Torestorps I located all the Husförhörslängder''s and the Birth record for Anders (Andrew) Johnson. Following the Husförhörslängder''s for his parents I found that they both died in Torestorps in 1893 and that they never went to America. I even located the "Inventory Listing" for his father after his death. It is of course written in Swedish but does have some discussion (which I am unable to translate) about the children living in America.

I think that this is an overwhelming amount of evidence that the folks in the Census are his In-Laws (Augusta's parents) not his parents. The real key to everything that ties it all together is the birth record for Carl (Charles).


I was Ron's 2nd cousin once removed.  I am trying to continue the research.  Did this conversation continue beyond your last post?  Can you send me the documents that you mention in the post?


David Stephens



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