Genealogy Wise

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Tell about your favorite free or low-cost genealogy resources, online and off. Explain why it's a favorite and how it's been helpful in your research.

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I am trying to keep up with all these great site suggestions! I have added many/most of them to the Relatively Curious toolbar - free download, free to use, mostly free websites, no ads, no viruses, just how I organized all my research sites for myself, but now I share it with anyone. Send me a message on GenealogyWise if you have a website that you use, that you'd like to see added to it too!
Tami, I downloaded the Relatively Curious toolbar and am delighted by it! I am wondering if you could include the following under your "In Print" section. The first is my Online Historical Directories Website (, which I would love to have placed under the "City Directories Online by State" sub-section; and the second is my Online Historical Newspapers Website ( which would be great under the "Newspapers" sub-section.

Love the bar. I think I am going to enjoy it and I will recommend it to others.

Thank you,
Hey Tami,

I do like the toolbar, expecially that it works on any computer. I have been checking it out.

Can you add this sight for Charleston County, SC to you SC free sites?:


Thank you,
This is a wonderful share..Thank you...I wish it worked with Google Chrome. I will be sharing your toolbar with my friends and family that are also researchers. Thanks again
I have a great list of about 25 free or almost free sites. so when I start a new name I always go back to the first one I ever used "", Find-a-grave, also the Newberry Map collection the ancestory didn't move the county did, and once the state moved.
a great free site for Irish research is "Donegal Geneaology Resources" just google that and up it comes.It is mainly Donegal but such couls spend weeks going through it alland all thanks to a New Zealand lady,Lindel Buckley.(hope i got her name right)also you can now get the entire island of Ireland 1901 &1911 census TOTALLY FREE from Irelands archives.Good luck and good hunting Jim Hart "May you be half way to heaven before the Devil know's you are dead!!"
With so many records for Irland coming on line I wish I had at least one irish relative.
I just stumbled on this one. An index of 26,000 probate records for eleven Texas counties.
The Index to Texas Probate Records.

USG once was hosted on Rootsweb but eventually moved to their own site when Ancestry and Rootsweb joined forces. The USGenWeb Project consists of a group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States. The Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free access for everyone.

They are always looking for volunteers to adopt a county or donate genealogical information to one of the many counties and States.
The DAR database can be really helpful.
I'm biased, but I like the Facebook fan page on the Genealogy Network. LOL Goooo Meee LOL



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