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Is anyone researching the O'Donnell family from Donegal?

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Yes. I am researching Richard O'Donnell b. 1830 Donegal, Ireland. His father is John O'Donnell born about 1797 in Ireland and married Catherine (Annie) O'Neil b 1811 in Armagh, Ireland. Is this the line you are researching.
I am looking for a Michael ODonnell born circa 1830 -1835 ,He was a solider in the British Army at 17yrs of age.
He landed in New Zealand in 1861 with his wife Johanna Scully.
Maybe he is a brother to Richard.?
Hi Peter, I am researching my O'Donnell ancestors of Dungloe, who lived primarily in the townland of Oughtmeen and the subdivision of Meenatottan (Meenatotan). My gg grandmother, Mary O'Donnell, was born abt 1842 in Oughtmeen. Her father was Denis O'Donnell (1808?-1864), and I have not found her mother's name. Mary had at least three sisters, Nellie (Ellen), Nancy (Annie), and Brigid, and possibly some brothers. Nellie (b. 1830) and Nancy (b. 1839) never married. Brigid (b. 1855) married John Coll and they emigrated to Toronto in 1882. Mary, my gg gm, married John Boyle at St. Peter's Dungloe in 1865 and they remained in Meenatottan for the rest of their lives.

Let me know if any of this information is helpful to you.
Hi Kieran,
Nice to meet an O'Leary.
Yes it's true my G/ Granfather did come from Dungloe but that family lived in the town of Dungloe/
Donegal is famous for all the O'Donnells who live there.
Patrick and his wife Anne Sharkey were in Dungloe between 1822 and 1879 when the whole family
came to Australia on the ship "Northbrook".

I can see no connection between your O'D's and mine. However that does not mean they were not related.
It is my belief that all O'D's are related, finding the link is the hard part.
Thank you for your reply,
Best of luck with your search
Peter O'Donnell



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