Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

If you are researching or interested in Venango Co., PA genealogically, please post your queries, family information, any resources you'd like to share and anything else that you feel is applicable to Venango Co. here. If you would prefer that your post be viewed by the whole group, post it to the Comment Wall and not here (please don't double post to both places), just keep in mind that posts in the Comment Wall will quickly be buried by new posts...

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I'm interested in the following lines from Venango county. McDonald, Huff, Manross, Sullinger.
I am looking for the parents of James Martin Campbell. He was b. in1818. I know from the 1880 census that both of his parents were born in Pa. He married Margaret Jane Sortore in 1844. Thier first daughter, Sarah Ann, was born in 1845 in Crawford Co. Pa. Do you have any Campbell's in your line? Lois
I am in Venango County and when I have time could do some lookups here.
I am looking for parents of Clinton Hoffman. He was born about 1849. He married Caroline Woodling d/o Jacob and Tamer Woodling. I believe that they lived most of their lives in Pa and possibly Venango County.My grandfather John Clyde (Clyde) was one of their sons..I have not been able to find who Clintons parenys are for sure. Possible Daniel or David Hoffman/Huffman and Eliza. The Irwin Township census from 1850 has the children listed in different household other then with their family...I have not been able to figure it out. Othe rChildren were Charles Cline, Wilbur, Henry, Roy and Corry(Cora) I have yet to find all of them.My father is the only one of 11 children living of John Clyde and Sara(Adams) Hoffman d/o of John and Mary (Weston) Adams.
I started a book for him and found through 1930 where his brothers and sisters were, but can't fint out who the parents of Clinton are...
My father's family resided in Irwin Township and Clinton and Caroline possibly died there. I know that they lived with John and Sara(Sadie)until 1920 and can't find them on 1930 Census. They possibly died sometime between then...My father was born in 1919 so he remembers very little about his Grandfather Clinton and nothing about his grandmother Caroline...Any help would be greatly appreciated. We went to The old Hoffman farm in June, but there was a severe storm and could not get to the cemetary...
Need to find death od Clinton and Caroline and any info on ancestors...
Sandy Hoffman Gotham



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