Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I don't know if anyone can help me with some geneaological research. I was born Julia Rice in NYC in 1964. My birthmother was named Patricia Rice. I beleive she was in her mid to late 20s and was a graduate student in NYC studying Library Science. she had taught school for a few years. Her father was from a  coal mining family. He was one of the few from his large family that didn't go into coal mining. Instead, he went into the business world and was, I'm told, quite successful.

I've been looking for information about my family background for quite some time. would love to know more about my Rice family connection!

Any information would be appreciated.


Karen Dinelli


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Where in New York City were you born? I was born in Manhattan and am a decendant of Rices from Brooklyn, NY. Do you know anything else about your Rices?

I would gladly help if I have information. There were many Rices all over New York City.

Hi Linda,
Since I was placed for adoption - I have very little information. I know my birthmother's family was not from NY and they were from coal mining families on both sides. I was born in Mmanhattan - at NY Presbyterian, I believe.I'm told the Patricia Rice in question was unmarried, in her mid to late 20s and was going to graduate school in library science. She had also taught school for a few years. As far as I know she didn't tell anyone else in her family about my birth. She was an only child and her parensts were far enough away to not know about her pregnancy.
Anything else you might know would suer be hlepful!
I believe adoption records could be unsealed once you reach a certain age. Also did you ask your adoptive mother or people who were around when you were adopted? Clues as to school your mother attended might help you. I would start with what ever information you have and try filling in the pieces. For example, heritage or ethnicity, religion, etc. When you were born see if you can find out who else was born at Columbia Presbyterian on that day and time. Back then, they had a woman's hospital so I would start there.
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll try some of those...

Karen, have you had any success with your search?  :-]  Dori



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