Genealogy Wise

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Hello, I'm trying to find out more about my gg grandparents Frederic
(Fred) Robichaud and Elizabeth Gallant(Gallian). Not having to much luck
on this side.
Their children were born in Chatham, NB.
Names are Joseph Alexander b1895, Patrick b.1892, Josephine b.1897, Alma
(Emma my g grandma) b. 1898, and I also think these children John b.
1887, Albert b. 1888, William b. 1890, James b. 1891, Daniel b. 1894,
May b. 1895.

I think but not positive that Elizabeth died in 1899 and Fred remarried
Catherine Mahew, 14 Aug 1899. Who also went by Kate and Katherine. Then
they had children Frederick b. 1902, Bernard b. 1904, Mary Anges b.
1906, Katherine Rose b. 1908, Mary Susan b. 1911, Annabella b. 1914.

I haven't been able to find any records for Fred and Elizabeth other then their children birth records in the NB archive website.  I think I may have found Elizabeth's death record in 1899.  I'm waiting to hear back from the archives on that.  I did find Fred's and Catherine (Katherine, Kate) marriage info on ancestry but it didn't list much info. 

Their daughter Alma (Emma) married Oscar Anderson from Sweden in 1914.  Oscar died in 1921 not long after returning from WW1.  Alma remarried Roy Robinson a few years later.  

If anyone has any info on the family they can share with me, or sugestions on were to look it would be very much appreciated!  This line has been much harder then the others to trace.

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Have you checked the Loiselle or the Rivest marriages indexes, both films are available through your local FHC.
Thank you, I'm not sure if there is an FHC in my area. I'm going to try and find out. I've mostly been looking online, I live pretty far from any larger towns/cities with more resources. I've been searching on ancestry, the LDS family site, and the New Brunswick archives and rootsweb. Also the web in general.

Every family tree I've found with these parents stop right there, with out even a marriage date... I've tried searching for the names with out a location specified. Thinking maybe they were born and married out side of NB, but I still haven't been able to find them.
The LDS site does have a link showing where the local FHC sites are. The Loiselle index is a cross index covering about 80% of Quebec and adjacent areas including a few NB pariahes, so no guarentee but worth a try. The Rivest index is a brides index, not sure if it extends into NB or not but it does overlap Loiselle and includes parishes he missed.

There is a third index (Fabien index) but probably not helpful as it covers parishes along the St. Lawrence seaway. Also I think that is only available at a few places in Canada (the archives in Ottawa for one.) Always the possibility it might have happened in Maine? Start looking at the set published by White on Acadians. Good luck, Jim.



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