Genealogy Wise

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Feedback please on (upset about not being able to cancel.)

I need some feedback please.  I signed up for a 7 day free trial with and they said in the welcome email that I could cancel my trial before it finished right from the account page on the website.  Well it's due to renew on Monday (the 22nd) and I logged on there earlier tonight (the 20th) to cancel and there's no way to cancel from the account page!  I then tried calling the phone number they give you to cancel but that is not open on the weekends.  The email said my account would be charged just under $100 on Nov. 22 if I didn't cancel beforehand but how on earth can you cancel beforehand if you can't do it online and they are closed the last 2 days of your trial period??

Does anyone have experience with this kind of thing with  I'm pretty upset because I cannot afford to pay for an unwanted membership on Monday of nearly $100. :(

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Many of these pay sites do the same thing. Even with I had some problems. The link is there but hard to locate and they don't make it easy to cancel. I'd call the company by phone to cancel.
It appears that World Vital Records have provided a number to use: 1-888-377-0588, 8-5 Mountain Standard time ( this was perhap the number you had used.) Yet, when you look at the terms and conditions, I noticed that they also mention: "you may cancel prior to the renewal date via your online account settings while logged on at and changing your subscription status online."

I hope this last part might be of help to you.
I called the number, they weren't open on the weekends and there was no option to cancel online even though they said there was. I did call them first thing Monday morning and managed to stop a charge but it made me a nervous wreck all weekend!
I might be old-fashioned, but I do not sign up for free-trial sites, that ask for credit card details upfront.

I've been stung a couple of times this way myself. Never again.

Glad you got it sorted!
I just received my statement from credit card that I owed for World Vital Records of $100.00.  I did sign up last year in Jan. 2010 but I did not intend to renew my subscription.  W.V.R.. apparently just automatically renewed without my say so.  I'm am really ticked off!  Since this is a Sat. customer service is not open til Mon.  I hope I can get this resolved....
Close the back account that you used to get free trial.they cant take money from a non existent account!! If you used  a credit card, contact the CC concerned and either explain the circumstances and ask them to nullify the transaction or tell them a little white lie and report your card as lost and request a replacement.



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