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Are you stuck someplace in your Palmer line? Post the details here, maybe someone else can help.

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Ok, here is my Palmer brickwall, maybe no infomation is available. I am looking for more informtion on this man:

William Palmer, b. abt 1585 England. m. abt 1606 Francis (unknown) in England, and had 3 children: WIlliam, Henry and Bridgett. He came to Plymouth colony in 1621 on the "Fortune". His wife Francis and children came over in 1623 on the ship "Anne". Francis died in 1633 in Plymouth. He married again to Mary (unknown) before 1637 and had another child named William in 1638 apperantly not long after his death, which was between 7 Nov 1637 when he made his will and 13 Nov 1637 when an inventory of his estate was taken. His whole life on this side of the ocean was spent in and arond Plymouth colony.

He and all other William Palmers (at least 4 of them) of this time are mentioned many times in Plymouth records which makes it hard to unravel who is who.

What I am looking for is information on the England side of his life, such as birth place and parents. This is a rough one.

I'm new at this, so bare with me.  Did you get a response to the Palmer ?.  I do have some info.  As it turned out not my branch.  But I came up with some sources and links before I figured that out.


I would gladly look at any information that you have dug up. Thank you.
Here is my Palmer brickwall: I am trying to prove a connection to Walter Palmer (b.1585 England, d.10 Nov 1661 Stonington, CT. ) Can confirm his line down to Anne/Anna Palmer (b. 3 Jun 1752, Mansfield, CT m. Isaac Hall 9 Jul 1772, Mansfield, CT d. after 1830 Newbury, VT (?)) and their children. Anna and Isaac had at least six children (per Mansfield records) and possibly more once leaving Connecticut (when all available records appear to end). One of the known children is Rufus Hall, b. 31 Oct 1782 in Mansfield. My GGGG Grandfather is a Rufus Hall of the appropriate age and born in CT. He married Phoebe (Ballou?) whom several online trees list as being born in NH but per the 1850 census is listed as being born in MA. Throughout the early 1800's censuses he is listed as living near many of children of Anna and Isaac (at least they have the same name as the children) as if several brothers had moved to Vermont. The 1850 census lists Rufus and Phebe as living with their daughter Laura (Hall) and son-in-law Joseph Rowe along with their grandchildren George, Mandana, Edwin and my GG Grandfather Rufus Hall Rowe. In essence I can come down from Walter Palmer to a Rufus Hall and I can trace from myself back to a Rufus Hall. I have been unable determine if the two are the same individual. I've gotten no hits on attempts for VT death certificates of Rufus, Phoebe or Laura. I've not been able to uncover a will for Isaac Hall or his wife Anna Palmer, both of whom supposedly died in Newbury, VT. some time in the 1830's. While some on-line trees show a connection, none can provide any source material.

This would be a nice link to prove as Anna Palmer's husband Isaac Hall is a Mayflower decendant from both Francis Cooke and Richard Warren.

I have been searching for a long time for my Palmer line, I have a death certificate of Madison Wheelen, my gr gr Uncle, his mother is Nancy Palmer, father Frank Wheelen. My gr gr grandmother is Rosa Wheelen the sister to Madison, Madison is a male, I have a baby photo of Madison, my searches keep coming up that Nancy Palmer is the daughter of James Madison Palmer and Elizabeth Wood, I also have a photo of Uncle Tom Palmer, I am thinking this is the brother to Nancy or Uncle to Nancy Palmer, I have a memory plaque of a Cora Mae Wheelen, on the back it says sister of Rosa Wood, my grandmother, Cora died in 1899 at age 23, she lived with her grandparents. It says Jettie and Luther Williamson, this line of Palmer's lived in Scotland and Clark Co, MO. Any help would be deeply appreciated.  Nancy

Hi,  I am searching for my ggrandmother, born in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada in February 28,1884.  Her mother was Ann N. Barnaby and father, Joseph Palmer.  She was brought up by her aunt Minnie Delight Benjamin (Foster).  Clara migrated to Rockland, Maine.  Any info would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks, Karen Joanne Lord

am a Palmer in Australia, my dad is 86 and recalls little. I know his dad is Charles Henry, and his dad is Thomas, also born here in Australia. from what I can find Thomas' father is Richard Palmer born in Devon, England 1816, and his mother is Harriett Linnard. But I cant get any further. A long time ago, 40 yrs ago, my brother researched back to Elinor who designed a coat of arms fro a Stephen Palmer in Dublin in 1600's but his ex-wife destroyed it all soon after it was made, (in the days of no computer records). cant find him either.

Any help would be appreciated.



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