Genealogy Wise

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What software, if any, do you use to keep your genealogy research journal?

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I use Reunion, on two Macs and two iPhones. But I don't really have any "journal" software.
No "journaling" software per se....
Suggestions anyone?
Reunion primary database, but don't yet see a way yet to use it for a genealogy research journal.
I use Reunion 9.
Am also exploring using Notebook and Scrivener for notekeeping. I have Filemaker, but have not used it for journaling as of yet-- am interested in how a good template might be developed to accompany Reunion. Otherwise use Open Office's word processing feature. Basically I use the notes feature on Reunion for archival extracts.
I'm looking at Notebook too, but haven't set anything up for genealogy research journaling. How do you like it? I'm not really a Filemaker user, but that is a thought. I have a simple Bento db for maintaining my documents and paper-filing records, as I have so many oversize and strange materials that I need to know what they are and where they are physically stored. Many don't fit neatly in file cabinets, and my space is very limited.... But setting up journaling is really a tough one for me, and I need to do it.... I'm not that disciplined, I fear.
Circus Ponies Notebook is good for making lists and ToDos. You can add any number of pictures, documents made on programs like Word or pdfs. I have a page for maps. I have scans of newspaper clippings and things I have downloaded from or Rootsweb. There is not much you can't do with it! I can transfer things into Reunion in notes or multimedia, too.
I'm in the process of transferring everything over to Reunion on my Mac from FTM on my PC. Doing it slowly and manually due to duplicates and errors in FTM.
I would love suggestions for journalling - using Reunion for now.
I use Reunion.
I use a printed Research Log when I am researching.
I use Reunion 9 as well.



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