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You find our your ancestor was born, married, died in North Carolina from the late 1800's back.

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I love NC research. From my perspective there seems to be so much more available than for many northern states.
The problem is always figuring out exactly what county they came from in North Carolina and then the boundary lines changed a lot in those early day. Take a common surname and boy what fun it is. I have overcome a couple NC brickwall by reading deeds and wills in the current location as a local record will sometimes mention a probate, will, deed, settlement back in a NC county, which is a great starting place.
My problem is that my 3X great grandfather was a full blooded Cherokee Indian but all of those records were destroyed. I can't find anything on my 3X great grandmother who also came out of North Carolina. McClellan (Mack) Carroll was the grandfather and the grandmother was Elizabeth Barom. Their parents didn't approve of their marriage because Elizabeth was white. They moved to Kentucky and then on to Bond County in Illinois which is where my mother was born. If anyone has any information on them I'd be eternally greatful. Also, their daughter, Caroline Carroll, married Henry Smith and have not been able to find anything on him either. He also came out of Kentucky.



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