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Attached is a file on 6 generations of the family that originated in the Netherlands. It is about 114 pages long and includes notes and sources. Additions/corrections are greatly appreciated. I have not worked on this for about a year so have some other stuff that needs to be added but it is mainly later time period then what is posted.

Have about 20 pages of couples where I cannot connect and will post those later but not all of them are in the Long Island area.

Thanks for any leads offered, Jim.

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Attached is what I have on the family, additions/corrections GREATLY appreciated. I have not looked at land or probate records for these people.  Jim.
Hey Marc: Have you ever looked at Williams, brother Isaac, he had a son John VJ that some have tried to track down.  Calvin evidently has his father as John VJ on his marriage license.

I do believe that William Hagerman (wife was Sarah Silvernail Jones), son of John Hagerman (and Mary Remsen), was the brother of Isaac Hagerman, and is the father of John J (or VJ) Hagerman (wife was Sarah Terry). And that John J (or VJ) Hagerman moved to MI around 1838 and settled in Lenawee Co. MI.

There are so many families from the Ovid, Lodi, Seneca County NY area that settled in MI (Jasper) around 1835 or so.

I can't find where William Hagerman (born 1756) lived in Lodi around 1808 (from a Jury List), is buried.


But it makes sense that John Hagerman who remarried to Mary Remsen, and possibly their first child was William and that he was in the revolutionary war, and would have settled in that area of land (Seneca County) that was set aside for veterans. 


Also interesting is the time frame that John (j or VJ) Hagerman moved to MI.  Both William Hagerman and William Jones died around 1835 or 1838. 



I agree, I talked to Cline Hagerman a descendant of Joseph as to who he thinks are connected to, His problems with the connection is naming systems that would seem our John J's father should be John Clark, so the issue comes from a connection to the Ostroms that may have included John Clark Ostrom as a Step father or holder of his apprenticeship.  Clines grandmother told him that John J was a millwright of course on Census Records he shows up as a Miller.  There is also a John Hagaman born 1799 that shows up in Hillsdale county.  I have a picture of Sally and some of the kids and a picture of John Clark as an old man taken in NE.  My Grandfather knew Calvin Hagerman too, of course their name was Hagaman on tax records, and William lived in Ovid, He and a John Hagaman show up on records from buying and selling property and they were sued for selling property that hadn't been properly deeded over.  There is a John Hagaman present on the other side of the lake at the same time as William and of course a John C Hagaman that shows up in Lenawee County with a brother Joseph
Cline Hagerman is my uncle.  A younger brother to my father.  Cline is the one who turned me on to all this searching for the Hagerman family history.  I have been "investigating" for over 10 years now.  Just can't seen to get to the bottom of who John J (or VJ) Hagerman's father is. I know that John J Hagerman came to Lenawee County and settled near Jasper from the Ovid, Lodi, Hector area, among the Jones', Ogden's, Terry's. (I have also been to some cemetery's around the Fairfield area, found John J and Sally Terry, and also Joseph W and Betsey).   A William Hagerman is listed in a 1808 Jury List for Ovid.  Also was present for his brother Isaac's will reading.  Have found the Jones' cemetery also, but have not found out where William and his wife (Sarah Silvernail Jones) is laid to rest.
So it would be your Great Grandmother says he was apprenticed at 9 years of age.

iii.      Esther HEGEMAN, b. 1766, d. 1833.


                                      Married 31 Jan 1788 in Hastings, Ont., CAN, John OSTROM, (son of Ruliff/Roelof OSTROM and Elizabeth YELVERTON).

                                      John: Email correspondence from Marg Hunter Wed. 23 Aug 2000 (

 This John Ostrom is John Clark Ostrom, If so our John Clark is likely named after him and is likely from this family, Evert Hagaman had a son John born in 1799 but the date doesn't match up for our John tombstone, I want to think the date is off but likely Sally provided it and I am not sure what to do with it.


By the way this John Clark son of Ester Hegeman may have been an Uncle.
Of course the other side is that Isaac Hagaman died in 1803 and likely his children would have been placed with people as an Apprentice.  Also given John and Sally followed naming patterns else where likely Joseph W is the grandson of Joseph and William.  but none of their kids follow much except John Clark's name follows thru

Somewhere I found from this page a john Hagerman that left to Canada that had a son born 1799 that left his children behind, likely this john's children would have been raised by family.


I realize this is an old thread, but in case someone's still reading it, I've been looking for the origins of Lydia Hagerman Waldron, 1778-1850 (at FindAGrave ), who died in Lenawee County, MI and had been married to John W. Waldron. They were previously from Romulus, Seneca Co., NY and possibly had no children of their own, because they are believed to have adopted Caroline Bailey (1817-1899) in her early childhood in Romulus, and then lived across the street from Caroline and her husband Lewis B. Adams and their children in Madison Township in Lenawee Co., MI. I've been trying to find out which branch of the Hagerman/Hagaman family she comes from, and it may help me now knowing from this discussion that there were other Hagermans in the Finger Lakes area of New York in that era. Thank you!

Jennifer, I have the following:

Francis HAGAMAN / HAGERMAN, b. c. 1752, d. 20 Sep 1826 @76 yrs., Seneca Co..,  bur. Mt. Green Cem., aka Romulus Cem., Romulus Village, town of Varick, Seneca Co., NY (s/o Joseph, who d. 21 Jan 1806 Hunterdon Co., NJ). 1m. unknown. 2m. Catherine _____., b. c,1770, d. 25 Jul 1858 @ 88 yrs.

children (12), unsure of mother:

i. Caroline m. William OLDER / ELDER.

ii. Nelly

iii.Lydia c. Jun 1787, d. Mar 1859; m. 11 Jun 1811 to John W. WALDRON,, b. 30 Dec 1786, bp. 11 Mar 1787, d. 11 Feb 1867, s/o William WALDRON & Maria / Mary WALDRON. Both Lydia & John bur. Hagerman Cem., Lenawee Co., MI, no known children.

iv. daughter (Fanny, b. c. 1817 NY), m. Coe B. Smith.


vi. Faimy (Fanny?)

vii. John L.

viii. Joseph

ix. Marry / Polly, m. James Briggs of NY.

x. Catherine, m. James Lyons / LINES.

xi. Elizabeth, b. 8 Jun 1793 NJ, m. to David BURGESS, b.9 May 1789, d. 29 Apr 1860 Adrian Twp., Lenawee Co., MI

xii. Thomas.

Thanks, James, especially with respect to identifying Lydia. I've finally had time to work with this. Recently on FamilySearch, I found several land records for Romulus, Seneca County, New York, 1855 and 1859, in which a large group (more than 40) of Francis HAGAMAN's descendants quitclaim several plots of land in Romulus that were in old Military Lot 76, to Coe B. Smith, who is the husband of Fanny Hagaman (iv. above). By the way, throughout all the records of Coe B. Smith and his wife, Fanny is spelled variously as Fanny, Fannie, Faimy, and Famy, so I believe iv. and vi. on your list are one and the same person. Many years later, Coe and Famy Smith moved to Lenawee County, MI, where many of their relatives were already living, and Famy Smith (1812-1870) is buried in Lenawee County, MI at the Hagaman Cemetery, where her first name is spelled that way on her gravestone. I don't yet know exactly what year they left Romulus, NY, but I found that they had two daughters Penelope and Marietta who married and stayed in Romulus until the 1880s.

The other Francis HAGAMAN descendant of interest to me didn't appear yet on your list. I've been trying for awhile to find out the family of Eunice "Nucy" HAGAMAN (approx 1775-1820), who married Zebedee STOUT (1770-1850) in Hunterdon Co., NJ in 1796 (a photocopy of their marriage "certificate", really just a handwritten notation signed by the minister, Thomas Grant Jr., can be seen via FamilySearch. The couple came to Romulus, NY before 1800; Zebedee and his family are enumerated on the 1800 census. They moved to Newfane/Olcott in Niagara County, NY (Holland Company land) after the War of 1812, and Eunice died there in 1820 according to her gravestone. The reason I believe she belongs on the list of descendants of Francis HAGAMAN is that her and Zebedee's children are listed in the group of people who quitclaimed their land to Coe B. SMITH. So far I've accounted for 5 of their 7 children on that list.

If there are supporting documents I should post here if it is okay to do so, let me know. Thanks!




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