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Still not sure if I am putting this post in the Huguenot & Ireland sections, which is what I wanted to do. Give me some time I will figure this out.


Is anyone researching the Huguenots that removed to Portarlington, Ireland. Some of those Portarlington Huguenots moved in 1732 to Williamsburg, South Carolina, America. Does anyone know if there is a list of those people leaving?

A Richard Cassel, (AKA Richard Castle ) a prominent architect in Dublin, Ireland. Stated that his family were French Huguenots that escaped France during the reformation and that he was born in Cassel ( or Kassel ) Germany. Also says that when he moved from London, England to Dublin that he was joining family in that area. More about him at this Wikipedia URL

I have a CD “Family Archives Huguenot Settlers in America 1600-1900s “

Stating that a teacher the name of Cassel was a teacher at the Galway Portarlington school.


I will Edit in a little more material here about Portarlington.


From - "Huguenot Settlers in North America and Europe"



The name Cassel, like those of Buliod and Terson, is

connected with the Portarlington schools. The Cassels

escaped from France to Holland, bringing with them Lucy

La Motte Grandore,{2} the heiress of estates in Languedoc.

She married John Laborde, who fought at the Boyne and

was perhaps an ancestor of the John, son of Lieutenant-Colonel

Labord, who was entered in Kilkenny School in 1757,{3} and

came to Ireland with him, and their daughter Anne

married Isaac Cassel. Abel Cassel, a son of this marriage,

was baptized in 1736; he died at the age of seventy, and his

grave may still be seen in the French portion of the churchyard.

Both Isaac and an elder Abel Cassel signed the

Petition.{4} The name, however, does not originate in Portarlington,

for even before the Revocation it had appeared in

Ireland, and a Colonel Cassel, who is stated by Gimlette to

have been a Protestant refugee, led the assault on Drogheda

under Cromwell.{5}




The Portarlington Settlement had been recruited by

officers on pension after Ryswick and again after the Peace of

Utrecht, but even with this the French element would have

become absorbed there as in other colonies had it not been

{1}Hug. Soc. Proc., Vol. XIV, p. 225.


{2}"Memoires," Introduction.


{3}Vol. VI, 1904-6, p. 131.


{4}Vide p. 100.

Page 171

for the famous schools established there in addition to those

already mentioned as having been built and endowed by the

Earl of Galway. These served the double purpose of bringing

prosperity and fame to the settlement and of preserving

its characteristics. Children were sent from all over Ireland

to imbibe French culture as well as classical learning, and

Portarlington could claim men as distinguished as the

Marquis of Wellesley and his brother among the pupils of

the schools.{1}

The original education in Lord Galway's School must have

been purely elementary, says Mr. Le Fanu, as the two earliest

schoolmasters mentioned in the registers had been a shopkeeper

and a bootmaker,{2} but according to Smiles, a Monsieur

Le Fevre, described as a "Lieutenant a la pention," was the

first schoolmaster in Portarlington.{3} One of the Cassels and

a Monsieur Durand were also masters, as were Messieurs

Macarel, Bonafou (or Bonnevaux), Terson and La Cam, with

others of Irish descent.{4}

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In case anyone else is researching in Portarlington, a copy of the book "Registers of the French Church, Portarlington, Ireland" edited by T.P. Le Fanu is available to view at:



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