Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I've just started using Legacy and have a question. For instance, if I add a person and put their information, they have 13 kids. I would like to add a record for each of the 13 kids, but they all have kids and grandkids. My original person has 13 kids, 50 grandkids, 54 great-grand kids and 1 great-great grand child. I don't want to add original records for each grandchild, great grandchild and the great-great grandchild, I just want it to be known that the original person had so many people. How would I add all the others so they would appear on the chart? Maybe saying 50 grandkids, etc.

 Thank you for your help and sorry that I didn't post it here first instead I used comments.


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Replies to This Discussion

If you want something to show up in reports like the Descendant Chart then you will have to create a record for each of the people, entering at least their names (or something like "boy").  Entering comments into the Events/Facts area (type Other) will show you the information, but it won't print in a report/chart.
I have posted a response under your first query.
Try adding a child named "50 grandkids" and one named "54 GGKids", etc.  I haven't tried this, but I believe it will work.  Good luck!



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