Genealogy Wise

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It would be interesting to see how many from this haplogroup will join this group.
My husbands mtdna results from haplogroup C1b2a are:
HVR1-16223T, 16298C,16325C, 16327T, 16519C
HVR2 - 73G,249-, 290-,291-,315.1C, 489C,493G,522-, 523-

He has quite a few matches from FTDNA for the HVR1 & HVR2 and three who match his full sequence results. Two from Puerto Rico and one from Venezuela.

So for the future members of this group, how many of you were assigned to haplogroup C1b2a?

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Ida's info will be located on image 557 of the same Humacao Naciemientos of 1890-1897group as Maria's.
Ok! I think I get it now. I thought you had to click on the arrow to pull up the images one at a time. No wonder it was taking me forever. LOL

But if I don't know where to start - such as if I try to look for Herodias Popart's birth certificate, I would still have to go through the whole book a page at a time wouldn't I?
You can first go to the index section and search for her name. If you find it, it will tell you which book and year to search. I don't think that you will find it though. It only goes up to a certain year.
John M,
The info I found yesterday, is it your mother's direct maternal line< her haplogroup C line? I forgot. But in any case, if it is and her grandmother was from the canary island, I'm wondering how that haplogroup got there. :)
No the maternal line does not go to the Canary Islands she is Eugenio's, my grandfather's mother. My Maternal mtDNA is from Herodias Barbe Popart who is Josephina's, my grandmother's mother.

"You can first go to the index section and search for her name."

It is this "index section" that I still don't know how to find. I am trying to go back as far as possible so I can tie us all in together. I want to find "our" common ancestor. I know there has to be one.
I found the following in the Indice de Defunciones 1885-1923 Anos 1890 to 1891
Barbe Martinez Agustino 368 382 Toma 8
But I can’t find the book that it's in. Do you have any idea which book it might be in I haven't got a clue.
You will find the index section at the very bottom of each town you are searching.
It is called: indice de Nacimientos, Matrimonios or Defunciones
I found the following in the Indice de Defunciones 1885-1923 Anos 1890 to 1891
Barbe Martinez Agustino 368 382 Toma 8
But I can’t find the book that it's in. Do you have any idea which book it might be in I haven't got a clue.
It seems that Humacao or is it the other town Vieques states Toma for Libro. You will find it in Toma 8. I'm guessing for the year 1890-1891.
You are going to have to search through it. Do what I do, type in a number and see which year it takes you to. Keep doing that until you get to the year you are searching for. It sure saves time. I only search through the whole section if I am looking for any ancestors that I might have missed or didn't know about and found them by searching every page.
It's Humacao, but when I look there is no book specifically for 1890-1891, and there is a defunciones 1885-1889 and a defunciones 1889-1893 and a defunciones1893-1897 but When I look in them there is no reference to what toma they contain. Agustino Barbe Martinez sounds like he could be Quintin Barbe Martinez's father. How do you locate the toma within the book?

Hello Ruth,

I got back my results from my FTDNA full sequence.  Though it confirms I am in haplogroup C1b2a they report no matches.  I would be interested to know how closely my mutations match your husbands. here are my mutations as reported by FTDNA.

Haplogroup: C1b2a, 
HVR1: 16223T, 16298C, 16325C, 16327T, 16519C
HVR2: 73G, 249-, 290-, 291-, 315.1C, 489C, 493G, 522-, 523-
Coding Region: 750G, 1438G, 2706G, 3552A, 4242T, 4715G, 4769G, 7013A, 7028T, 7196A, 8584A, 8701G,
8860G, 9165C, 9540C, 9545G, 9557T, 10398G, 10400T, 10873C, 11719A, 11914A, 12454A, 12705T, 13263G,
14318C, 14766T, 14783C, 15043A, 15301A, 15326G, 15487T

If anyone can explain why persons with the same haplogroup can have different mutations I would appreciate hearing the explanation.  This gets more complicated all the time.

John Montanez



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