Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Ancestry's recent announcement of 27 million dollar purchase of footnote's iArchive

What does anyone think of the recent purchase of of iArchive [footnote utilizes this]?

"The purchase of Archives, Inc. also gives Ancestry ownership of its, a subscription-based site focusing on American history. iArchives digitizes and delivers high-quality images of American historical
records of individuals who participated in notable events over the past
200-plus years since the founding of the U.S.A"

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I am totally stunned by this!! I for one think that 'Ancestry' is getting to be like the old ' ma Bell' telephone company! They are getting way too big and soon there won't be any little guys left! Ancestry is doing everything it can to make it harder and harder for people to find 'free' info in the genealogy field! I am a member of 'Footnote'. Love it. But if Ancestry takes over, I will probably cancel my sub with them!!

Happy Hunting everyone!

I don't care for the new name "fold3" as they are emphasizing their military records. I am wondering if only military records will be found there and all other records moved to I have a membership to both but as the economy continues to spiral downward, I may drop the footnote/fold3 membership.


Not crazy about this new change at all.



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