Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

If you aren't using TNG you should be and you can get it at the TNG site.

Tell us where your TNG site is and about the families in it.

I'll start This is the genealogy of the Hox(s)ie families
What do you think about that?

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My new site is less than a week old. See it at

An Australian site, it lists around 6,000 ancestors, descendants, cousins, inlaws and outlaws of our family.
26,000 names at
My TNG site is for research on my mother's side of the family.
My site is It is a bilingual site documenting the Bourgeois descendants of the Acadian Jacques Jacob Bourgeois and his wife Jeanne Trahan. The site contains over 37000 records including some 10000 Bourgeois'. I have also implemented Timelines, Event Maps, most media feature and reports. I require user login to protect data of the living but provide a generic login account for all.

See you at
Hello TNG users, we also use the program and love it! We've been online officially since May 1, but we've been collecting all the stuff we're constantly adding since about 1998. Our main site is, we've got a blog and all that fun stuff. We're a group of 8 that works across Canada and in the US on our family lines, TNG gets the job done!

The Closet Skeleton Genealogical Society
Hi Fellow TNG Users. I have it up and running now about 2yrs. It is mainly in Ireland but I found a few Straglers who up and left, to Scotland, England, U.S.A. Lots of Photos, and Certs and Census.

Regards: Alan
The Douglas Archives has been using TNG for some years. There was a 'time out' period where we had problems with security, but this has been overcome and we find the software very reliable.

Because of the large number of anciliary files (articles,biographies, details of battles and castles, etc) it is not used for Histories, which are held in a different format.

We have over 5,000 Douglases listed in nearly 150,000 records, which the database handles without difficulty.

You can see it here: The Douglas Archives genealogy database

Yours aye,


My TNG site is Gauss' Children It provides a framework for my family history Wiki.

Had my site up and running for awhile now, got to say pretty happy with it. I do prefer adding images and not people to my tree for that is the proof or otherwise they existed so I'm always looking for photo's documents etc. People do find my site and in return make contact with me and in most cases we end up sharing which is the point of having it online. My tree would not of grown as much as it has without it being online. I will say though that i have noticed people taking images from my site and reposting it on ancestry and other sites so i have heavily re-watermarked the photo's, i still need to re-do the documents. I have spend thousands of hours building up my site - my tree and folks have no shame and selfishly just steal images.


Currently closing in on 1000 images and have about 1800 people.


So, Gambrill families and related, where are you?



Kemp one-name study online for a few years using TNG. See it at




Is a Colombian site. 



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