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Attached is what I have on the first 6 generations (male lines) of the descendants of Humphrey TURNER. Additions. corrections greatly appreciated. I am also interested in the other early TURNERs who settled in MA (about 6 or so families). Thanks for any input, Jim.

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Jim, I will have to look at my FAG listings and try to remember this name for when I go out again for you.
Best of luck in your searches.

Attached is a pdf of the Great Migrations entry for Humphrey Turner. Great Migrations represents the most solid and current research I know of for this era. That's not saying much, since I have not gotten back this far in my own research.

Here's the info for the source abbreviations:

NEHGR = New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 1 through present (1847)
PCR = Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England, Nathaniel B. Shurtleff and David Pulsifer, eds., 12 volumes in 10 (Boston 1855-1861)
PCLR = Plymouth Colony Deeds (from microfilm=semi Volume 1 has been published as Volume 12 of PCR)
Briggs Gen = L. Vernon Briggs, History and Genealogy of the Briggs Family, 1254-1937, In Three Volumes (Boston 1937
MD = Mayflower Descendant, Volume 1 through present (1899-1937, 1985 )
PCPR = Plymouth Colony Probate Records (from microfilm)
TAG = The American Genealogist, Volume 9 to present (1932 )
DChR = Records of the First Church at Dorchester in New England, 1636-1734 (Boston 1891)

Thanks so much for using an attachment in your request. I didn't know I could do that. Very convenient.
Here are 3 more Turners from the Great Migration series.
And the last Turner sketch found in Great Migrations with the source key. There are two more planned sketches for Elizabeth Turner and Thomas Turner to be published in a future volume.
I forgot to mention that my line was highlighted in red. I actually have more descendants of Humphrey. I think it is around 100 page printout. I will post some of the other TURNERs later. Thanks for the feedback, Jim.
Descendants of James TURNER.


Not a Cape family but for those researching TURNERs it may be a help in sorting them out. Additions/corrections as always greatly appreciated, thanks, Jim.

I'm trying to make the link between John Turner (elder) b1620 and one Asa Turner b1765. The series John (elder) + Mary Brewster > Jonathan b1646 > Isaac > Jonathan > Asa b 1743 > Asa b 1773 m Lydia Hancock isn't it, as my Asa was b 1765 m Sarah Goodell.

I do have a series showing John (elder) marrying a Deborah Williams, whence John b1654 > Ebenezer b1693 > Bezaleel b1725 > Asa b1765. In support of this I have a citation of John marrying Deborah in Scituate in Feb 1648, but that is incompatible with your chart.

You have yet another possible series  which shows John (elder) + Mary Brewster > John b1654 + Abigail Padershell, but there is no issue named Ebenezer, so I can't connect that way.

Any thoughts on how this might fit together?

Thanks very much,

John Diefenbach (grdson of H T Turner, b1874 in Gardner MA)


If you are making John TURNER (elder) b, 1620 (from your first paragraph) the same as "John (elder) marrying Deborah Williams", (from your 2nd paragraph) they aren't. They are two different people. The second John (m. Deborah) is not descended from Humphrey TURNER. I have the John m. to Deborah in one of my databases and will soon post that in the Turner Group here on Genealogy Wise. Since you are looking for an Asa b. 1765 then that seems like the line you want. I do not have a wife for him in my database though, sorry. I would be interested in any descendants from Asa's. Thanks, Jim.


Thanks for your note. Having two different Johns would certainly help resolve the question. However, I do have a source citation that shows John + Deborah as descended from Humphrey- see the att. That said, one of my first discoveries in tracking genealogy is that there's a lot of bad information out there. I'll be very interested in seeing the correct line when you post it.

Asa Turner is my GGG grandfather, by Jason T, Andrew Watson T, and Henry Thomas T, who was my mother's father. I'd be glad to send you what I know about the family. What is the best way to send it? I've never used GEDCOM- would that, or an RTF file, be the best way?

Unfortunately I have very little original research to offer you. My grandmother was an avid genealogist, and proved a Mayflower line to Degory Priest back in the '30s. I have all her materials, but have not sorted through them yet- most pertain to the Robinson line on her mother's side. My sister lives near Boston, and is open to doing local research if that would be helpful.





Attachment is wrong. None of the John TURNER's (John "the elder", John "the younger" & John m. to Deborah) were born in MA they were all born in England. I have posted the John TURNER & Deborah genealogy in the TURNER Surname group here on Genealogy Wise. If you look at the genealogies posted on WorldConnect, I am finding on the lines I am researching about an 80% error rate.


A RTF file is fine. The problem with the RTF I post seem not to include the sources listed in the footnotes (which are different then info recorded in the text section. If you want a hardcopy printout let me know (need to send me your snail mail address, do not give it here). Thanks, Jim.


Thanks very much for the Turner posting. Great information. Let me digest it for a few days, update the Asa T descendents, and I'll be back to you.






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