Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Friends & Family,

Historic African American cemeteries are under attack.
They risk being dug up to make room for developers.
This is happening all over the country.

We must find, identify and protect them!

Those cemeteries that are under seige, like the one in Lake Panasoffkee, Sumter county, Florida, need our help. See:

We must lend our voices and support to the local communities who are fighting to preserve the final resting places of our Ancestors!

Please post here any African Ancestored Cemetery that needs attention and acknowledgment.
Include the state, county, and township. Upload pictures of headstones. Tell us the stories!

"Guided by the Ancestors"

Views: 319

Replies to This Discussion

Trying to save ours in Strieby, North Carolina. You are right it is an uphill battle and hard to get younger folks interested. If you have any tips let me know

Hi Margo,

What specific issues are you encountering with the cemetery in Strieby?

Is it under threat of being moved or built over?

Tell us more about the situation.

Peace & Blessings,

"Guided by the Ancestors"



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