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I have the book "Shoemaker Pioneers" written by Benjamin Shoemaker, III. More than willing to do look-ups.

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Hello Kathryn,

I am still searching for any information on Alice Ann Shoemaker, Her father was M. Shoemaker and her mother was Mary ? Shoemaker, both where born in Pa abt 1797. Alice was born in or around Columbiana County Ohio. Alice Ann was with her parents in the 1860 cenus for Columbiana County, Ohio. I believe her parents where Michael Shoemaker and Mary Ann Ream, but an looking for any info to help prove the fact. Could you please check your Shoemaker book.

I would so much appropriate your help.


Do you have any information on a Elmer Shoemaker of the late 1800's early 1900's brother Elza and sisters Maggie and Dorrie/Dorry Elmer had a son named Wilburn (Will)? Thank you.

Hi Kristopher,

I am the great-granddaughter of Dora Dorrie Mae Shoemaker Cundiff (b. 1889, Gallia Co., Ohio) and recently have been doing research on the group you have named.  They live all through southern Ohio and West Virginia.  I was completely unaware that one might have moved to Canada!

My mom recently mentioned that when she was a girl her mother [Kathryn Cundiff Moore] took her to visit "Aunt Mag", and you've helped me make the connection that Mag must be Sarah M. [Margaret?] Shoemaker b. 1874. 

Would love to correspond with you about this family.  We maintain no relational ties with the Shoemakers to speak of, and you seem to have first hand accounts of the family too.  

I can be reached at mischellehodge at  

Cheers, Mischelle Webb Hodge

Kathryn--My G-Grandfather was John Rudolph Shoemaker and I am interested whether his family is included in the book, Shoemaker Pioneers.  I believe he was born in Ohio as was his Daddy, and I found Columbus somewhere but have nothing definite.  I am sort of at an impasse since all family members who might know are gone.  Thanks.

Hello, and thank you for this help. I just joined the group and am a descendent of James Shoemaker of Russell Co. VA. His will is dated 1822, three sons - Alexander, Joseph, and James, Jr. Married Catherine Emerick (second marriage maybe) with daughters (4).  A Grandson of his founded a college in Gate City, VA. That book records James as being of honorable heritage and immigrating to America around 1749 with parents. I'm good on all the linage from James to me, but would like to find the parents and their origin.

Oh yes, the book said they came from England as well. Thx.

Thank you !!!! I am looking for William Riley Shoemaker, born ca. 1775, Maryland. He died in Virginia. He married a Phebe Spencer. I am a direct descendent of James B Shoemaker, his son, born 1810, Va, married to a different Phoebe Spencer, d/o Moses and Elizabeth Deaton Spencer. However, I believe his mother, Phebe Spencer is of a different line from Moses Spencer. I believe his mother, Phebe is a descendent of Obediah Spencer (spelling////). This is all I have on WM R Shoemaker.

Since I am a Shoemaker descendant of James B Shoemaker, I can give information his descendents.


I hope that you are still willing to help with the book "Shoemaker Pioneers" by Benjamin Shoemaker, III.  I was able to view the book digitally from the Boston Library for a short time. I would like your opinion on the following information.  The author seemed to have multiple possible lineages for John Anthony Shoemaker's father, James Shoemaker: P1 JOHN ANTHONY SHOEMAKER OF ALABAMA AND ARKANSAS page 447.  Based on the information in his book on page 447 and the marriage bond, I found for James Shoemaker and Sary Street for December 7th 1807 in Tennessee, I believe that John Anthony was the son of James Shoemaker of TN.  However, I was not able to determine who James Shoemaker ancestors were.  What is you opinion?

Book: Shoemaker Pioneers can be found at this website address:; You must request to view it on line and you only have 2 weeks to access it. I found it to be some what helpful but way to much information to review in two weeks. You can repeatedly request access.



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