Genealogy Wise

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I am trying to find Alfred and Anna Carlson, who lived in Skovde, Gotseland, Sweden. They had a son named Hjlamar George Carlson 7-24-1891 to 1973. This is my ggrandfather. I am trying to find anything about his parents and back. Any help would be great. I know  Hjalmar went to the USA in 1910 to New York and I have the family from there, just not back.


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A quick look at the library in ArkivDigital came up with...

Skövde stadsförsamling    no Hjalmar in July, no births on 24 July

Skövde landsförsamling    no Hjalmar all year, no birth on 24 July

Skövde                           birth book begins in 1900s

It is not uncommon for an immigrant to say they were from a town when actually they may have come from the countryside nearby the town. We need to track Hjalmar back to a parish to find him.

Do you have an exact immigration date and ship?

A quick search to try to find an immigration record brought up too many Hjalmar names. (I thought it was going to be less common in the US, but no...   My Grandfather was a Hjalmar.)

The Skövde I searched is a town in Skaraborgs län between the two big lakes in Sweden. It is not far north of Falköping where I have spent a few months decades ago.  I am not sure what Gotseland except perhaps it could be Göteland which is a very large area. The Swedish postal directory Svensk Ortförteckning 1965 shows no other Skövde and no Skovde (this is down to the farm level). Skaraborgs län is the historic county...  this is where genealogists track records. 


Also, Hjalmars second given name of George sound less likely to me in Sweden so I just looked for Hjalmar. Hjalmar seems very likely to be his birth name. No one in the US would likely pick Hjalmar.

I know that he came to America in 1910, but I have no idea on what ship. I found him in the census in Suffolk, Mass april, 11 1940. He was staying with a friend working before he went to Nebraska to live.

I did find something that stated Alfred Carlson would have died in Skove, Sweeden in about 1909.



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