Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

There will be a session on social networking at the conference. The presenter is Crista Cowan. The conference is in Philadelphia, August2-7. Go to for more information.

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I'll be there and I'm very excited as this is my 1st genealogical conference! It will be so nice to meet some of my online (Jewish Gen) friends in person!
I am also going to the conference and it is my first time. I found so many sessions that I want to attend that I know I am going to be very busy! Looking forward to learning and connecting and perhaps finding some more relatives.
There are also two computer labs about social networking. My lab is about using Facebook. Crista Cowan's lab is about using Facebook and Twitter.
Hi all,

I will be at the conference since very early on Thursday 30, till next Saturday 08.
Most of the time I will be wearing a MyHeritage shirt and maybe a hat (if you want to recognize me easily).
Among many things I will be giving some lectures:
* Sunday, August 2: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM $ Family Tree Builder 3.0 - Basic: Computer Workshop
* Sunday, August 2: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM IAJGS MANAGEMENT SEMINAR: Teaching Genealogy from Children to Elders
* Tuesday, August 4: 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM Face Recognition and Photo Tagging for Genealogy Research
* Wednesday, August 5: 8:15 AM - 10:15 AM $ Genealogy Super Search Engine : Computer Workshop
* Friday, August 7: 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM Jewish Genealogical Resources in Latin America

As a board member of IAJGS, for sure will be around the registration area very often.
Do not hesitate to stop me and ask for help at any moment. It will be my true pleasure to help you in almost any subject ;)




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