Genealogy Wise

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Okay I will look you up. But also try this
Go to 23 and me and log in
Scroll down the left side of page to find the subheading in blue labeled "My Ancestry".
Located under that subheading in black find the "Relative Finder" click on it.
It will open to a page that will provide you with cousin matches.

I will explain more later.

Hi Lothar,

If you can send the marriage certificates to me, I can try to translate. I am a Danish Genealogist.



Lothar if I was you I would look up your family on Google and both are free but you might need as username and password for

You might also see if anyone on the social networks like facebook have the names you are looking for.

All the very best


Hello All! I’ve been doing genealogy research since 1987, on and off. The last five years I’ve become very focused and having been tracing my family heritage back in Poland.  Genealogy at this point isn’t a past-time, it’s an obsession.

My pesky day job in Information technology keeps me busy (IT Manager) yet with my background, it has made genealogy second nature to me. They are very similar. I’m currently in the process of taking online classes to become a certified genealogist.

A few months ago I created a database and input every entry I could find from Ellis Island that was similar to that of my immigrant grandparents. Those names are Glowniak, Hasinski, Mierzwa, Makowski and Jaworski. Now when I get a lead, I have all that family information broken down for fast searching.

I live in western new york and would gladly help anyone who needs research done in this area. I’ve also worked with a few great genealogist in Poland who I would highly recommended. Next year I am planning on visiting there to visit the areas my grandparents came from.

If you need help looking for something, let me know, I’d be glad to help.
Best Regards,

Hi, my name is Keshea Wilson. I live in Little Rock, Arkansas. Im a beginner at this. I recently found out my grandfather was adopted out of Louisiana. Since then I have been trying to find out information on his birth and adopted family. Im researching the Zenon and Bonhomme families. If anyone have any information or tips for me it will be greatly appreciated. I have found a little information on ancestry and people search.

I'm looking into a dead end that my father ran into in his research into the Barrett family tree.  He did extensive research on hundreds of ancestors going back to the 1500s in England and Europe, but has been unable to trace George Allen Barrett back beyond his move from South Carolina to Posey Co. IN in about 1809.  He married Ruth Rutherford of Newberry Co. SC, daughter of Joseph Rutherford and Elizabeth (Jones) Pope.

Hi! My name is Itt Andersson and I live in Sweden. I´m searching for my relatives. My grandmothers sisters name was Greta Linnea Andersson.  She arrived to New York 14.1 1926 with the ship "Gripsholm". She married a swedish man called Hans F Holmberg, born 1909 in Sweden. She was born 4.10 1908 in Örgryte, Sweden. They lived in Brockton, Plymouth, Massachusetts. (1930 United States Federal Census). She died in 1943. They had a son, Richard Holmberg, born 28.2 1930. He died 5.2 2003 in Pinehurst, Moore, North Carolina (North Carolina Death Collection, 1908-2004 and Social Security Death Index). As it has been told to me, he was married to a woman named Nancy (from Italy) and they had two children, a boy and a girl. Can anyone here help me to find the boy and girl who are children of Richard? If you want to find some relatives in Sweden or want some one to search for you in the church records:

Itt Andersson Sweden

Itt you might want to check, its free, and you might also want to look on Google. And check on social sties for anyone with the surname you are looking for to see if your related.

Hi Kathleen.

Thank you very much for your reply and your help. I found out (by familysearch), that Richard Holmberg was married (5th or 8th Oct 1949) to a woman called Nancy Jane Gentile. Her parents were Antonio Gentile and Josephine Licenshella. They married in Susquenna in Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, Coutry Marriages, 1885-1950). But I still haven´t found what I´m looking for (lovely song :), the name of their children. Is there anywhery else except from this site where I can make a call (I don´t know if thats the right word) to find them?.

Have a nice weekend.


Hello, I have looked for your relatives on and found a family tree that has your Greta and Hans Holmberg with son Richard in their tree.  They do not have Richard married to anyone, so no names of children--many trees do not post names of people who are still living anyway.  But there is a way to contact the owner of the tree.  The owner has not been on the site for over a year, but just on the off-chance that she still checks her email, do you want me to give her your contact information?  You can message me here or my email <> and I will send her your info.

I did find Hans in the 1940 Census, as a lodger working as a die-maker in Binghamton, NY, but his family did not live with him and I can find them nowhere.  It says that he was also living there in 1935.  I wonder if maybe Greta and Richard went back to Sweden for a time?  Or maybe their names were transcribed poorly and so mis-spelled that the search did not find them.  That happens alot!

Let me know what to do--good luck!  Dori  :-]

One more thing, Itt...  I thought maybe the way to find what you want to know would be by looking at phone directories.  I found where Richard Holmberg was living right before he died.  There are even lists of his neighbors with phone numbers!  It's a condominium area, and has the address, too.  If any of his neighbors are still living there they may remember the names of their children.  Do you know if his wife Nancy is still living?  She may still be there.  If you are bold, you can call the numbers, or at least write notes to the addresses.

Okay, believe it or not, there is a Hans Holmberg also living in Pinehurst, NC. Hans was Richard's middle name, so it would make sense that he might name his son Hans.  This directory only goes to the year 2002, so there is a chance they may have moved, but It gives Hans' address and phone number at that time.  (yay!)  Want it???  :-]

Itt, it looks like Dori has found a lot on your family. I advice many people to look on familysearch because I know that the LDS church is putting records on the site all the time.

As for the advice to look on Google I myself have found family on it as well his name is Allington Elliott.

I myself can't get on Ancestry or findmypast any more unless I go to my local FHL

 All the best Kathleen



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