Genealogy Wise

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I am retired from the technical part of the communications industry, piddled with family genealogy off and on over the years after hearing old childhood stories about missing links. Started with at the end of last week and now have 194 in the tree at last count. This is bringing back early childhood memories of people I can barely remember from brief summer visits to Kansas. I just never realized or appreciated the complexity of this subject.

I run gramps on Arch Linux for software and was referred here by a friend who runs Legacy on Windows.

currently researching the Cole family of Buckland Brewer and Great Torrington Devon England.  Specifically Thomas Cole born abt 1783 Buckland Brewer and Lewis Cole born abt 1826 Great Torrington.

I have been researching my family history for twelve years now. I have learned alot of information, like what not to trust, and what you can trust for information. Death certificates for one,, and in general what you find on the internet you have to confirm. Ten years ago so much information was free on the internet. I have alot of old notes which I found on the internet and seem to be all correct. Now they are all blocked or bought up by and you just can't find them anymore.  My relatives are mostly found in Texas. I have traced them back through Alabama, Georgia, N. Carolina, Virginia shores, to Europe. I have ancesters from Poland and Ireland. The names I am researching are Rzeczycki, Terakowski, McMahon, Magee, Nutt, Rape, Blaylock, Rhodes. I myself live in the Boston area of Massachusetts.  


I live in southern Ontario Canada. I started searching my family name HOLYOME back 6-7 years ago (maybe more now). I had always been intrigued as to where my last name originated from. I had a teacher who said Pennsylvanian dutch, others said England and so on. I have since found out that the Holyome name was originally Alliaume from France. Part of the Huguenot's that fled to England.
I have learned that all Holyomes are related.
I have picked up my family tree and would research on and off over the next few years. Then i started picking up and and research more. My grandfather was now getting interested and had revealed some interesting history about his family name GIRARD. we just needed to make the connection from a relative in our tree to another tree that we had believed to be ours through contact with another searcher. and yes we were finally able to confirm that my grandfathers ancestors had indeed been some of the first settlers to come over and fight in the acadian "war".
since this, I have decide to work to on getting my certificate to become a genealogist :)
hope to contact with others
P.S. if anyone knows how to change it so my name appears as Trish and not Patricia, that would be fantastic !!!


I'm Clydene Williams Cannon and been doing genealogy for about 30 years now and have a whole room dedicated to it.  Of course I'm a Williams d/o John Hiram Williams, grdau of John Hiram Williams Sr., ggdau of T. D. Williams, gggdau of John Jefferson Williams, ggggdau of Robert Williams and gggggdau of Ambrose Williams.

My maternal surnames are Taylor, Phillips, Risner, Fickweiler, Thompson, Cook, etc.  I noticed some Risner postings on here and thought I'd join.  My grandparents married in OK and my parents were born in OK so I have lots of Choctaw and Cherokee cousins.  I live in CA

TAYLOR - any Canada or England?

Hi all, my name is Charma Smith Green.  I live in Denison (Grayson County), Texas and have been here seven years.  Prior to moving to Texas I was born & raised in the Central Valley of California.  I have been researching my family tree for 18+ years. 

I am married to the love of my life, in five days it will be 32 years.  We have three children and seven grandchildren & another on the way. 

Some of the surnames I am searching are:

McGehee - TN>MO>AR>TX>OK

Tharpe - AR>TX>OK

Crawford - TN>OK>CA

Payne - TN>OK




Charma, Congrates, my hubby and I have been married 30 yrs this July. Sorry but I don't know much about finding people here in the States. Im from Lambeth, London England and moved here in 1983 (3 months after we got married).

Hi Charma,

My family tree is chock full of McGeHees. My ggrandmother was Martha Jane McGeHee. She was born in Lincoln Co. TN on July 16,1865. Her father was George Middleton McGeHee.

Not sure but believe my ggrandmother had a brother in OK. whose name was John.

Maybe we are related?


Hello all, I just found this site a few days ago.  Seems like a lot of good genealogists roaming around this place- good to see.

As it turns out, every branch of my family known to me so far came from overseas straight to Brooklyn, NY and thats where stayed up until after WWII when everybody moved all around.  

My family has the following

Sheridans from Ireland - 1850's

Zimmermans from Germany - 1860's

Cosa from Sicily - 1900's

Gomez from Spain - 1900's

Murray from Ireland - 1850's

Joyce from Ireland - unknown

Morris - unknown

I also own, where I try to attract people looking for a New York Genealogist.  I love to help people that need it, but if I can't deliver results, my customers are out much less then if they had paid 5k for one of those big fancy genealogists for hire sites.  

If Anybody needs help in the Brooklyn area for a case you are working on, let me know you are from this site and I'd be happy to do a look up for you.  you can contact me on Facebook by searching the sites name, on twitter @bklynancestry, or e-mail me through the website.  All my contact info is there actually.  

I would love to trade links for anybody that has a blog or website related to ancestry.  the best way would be for you to write something for me to post in my blog section, and work your link into the text somehow.

Hope to hear from you guys soon.  thanks

Hello, I am interested in getting in touch with people with the haplotype K mutation

Fernando de Abreu e Silva



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