Genealogy Wise

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I have an ancestor, Jane Cox b. Nov 1824 in Randolph Co., North Carolina who married a John Johnson. On the North Carolina Marriage collection 1741-2004 database on, it lists a marriage date of 11 Sept 1859. How can I find out if he was a Quaker? The Cox line appears to be part of the Holly Springs meeting. By the 1860 census,they already had two children born about 1856 and 1859, so I'm also trying to determine if there was a previous marriage for either of them or if the index date is incorrect. Any thoughts or advice?

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If you know that they were Quakers and which Meeting House or Hundred they lived in , the easiest way is to read the minutes of the Meeting House. If they married outside of their faith it will be recorded and why. I had a relative which married his cousin so they both were disallowed membership to that house and not allowed to be buried on any Friends burial grounds.
Hi Tracy

The Minutes of the Holly Spring Meeting 1818-1910 are held at Guilford College. There may also be additional information in the two following references: Local-related history: HINSHAW, FRIENDS AT HOLLY SPRING (1982). SEE HINSHAW, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN QUAKER GENEALOGY, Vol I, pp. 457-486

Hope that helps.

best wishes



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