Genealogy Wise

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I have several links, in different areas of New England.

First, I have links with Plymouth Colony.

In terms of generation, my earliest immigrant ancestor is Rev. Stephen Batchelder, and with him I get the Sanborns, the Tucks, and the Palmers, as well as Locke, Berry and a few otehrs I don't have much information for.

Another ancestor in a different area was Henry Howland, the brother of John Howland, who is the one who fell overboard off the Mayflower. Henry came over a few years after John, In this set I also have Newland, Adams, Allen and Sharp, at which point they merge with my Haines line in New Jersey.

And thirdly I have The Hiltons who connect to the Batchelder group through Christopher Palmer. The Hilton Brothers came over right after the pilgrims but for establishing a fishing trade.

I would love to hear about your links too.

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Hi Alton,

I too have ancestor links to Tioga County, PA with the Cosper and Weeks families since at least 1830.
I am also a direct ancestor of the Elder William Brewster of Plymouth.
The earliest Allen ancestor that I know was my 5th GGrandfather, Micah. Micah and his wife, Mary, were married in 1734 (presumably somewhere in Massachusetts) and died in Boston in April 1779 of smallpox.

Mary Allen's maiden name was either "White" or "Pearson." 19th century family tradition held that Mary was the G G Granddaughter of Peregrine White (Peregrine's son Thomas had a son named Ebenezer, whose youngest daughter, Elizabeth, was Mary White/Pearson's mother). I'm skeptical of the accuracy of that Mayflower connection. However, it does seem reasonable that Mary's family lived in 17th century Mass.

One of these days, I want to start the additional research needed to support or disprove the family link to the Mayflower. Even more than that, I want to find my Allen ancestors before Micah. Unfortunately, I rarely have much time to spend on my genealogy... and when I do, I'm easily distracted by shiny things - like new lines on other ancestors - I'm sure you know what I mean.
I should have said that what little further research I have done leads me to think that Mary White/Pearson was actually descended from Captain Thomas White of Weymouth.
If you ask the mayflower association there is a kind lady that will help you find that link.. I had found that most of the people who lived in Duxbury were eventually related through marriages. Its neat.. that they were friends then ended up being Inlaws with each other.. and this is most of Duxbury 1650 - 1750. You can find this out by the books on the mayflower famlies.. some times just paging through will give you what your looking for,,,
I am a direct descendant of Deacon John Doane, William Twining, Widow Mary Durant Ring, Stephen Dean, who came on the Fortune, all of Plymouth Colony on both my paternal and maternal lines. Two of my great-grandmothers were Doans.
My connection is in Salem Villege, 1692, Sara Pease wife of John Pease and the last to be arrested during the Witch Hunts.She was imprisoned in the Salem Prison for a year and upon release she and John moved to Matrha's Vinyard.
I have loved researching the Pease family, but there seem to be few who are willing to claim Sara as a directline relative.
I'm also descended of Rev. Stephen Batchelder (my great grandmother was Carrie Maude Batchelder born in Chichester, NH in 1872, she's in Pierce's book) Most of my family tree is from Salem, Mass and Essex County, Massachusetts.

I'm a descendant of Arthur Howland, and his brother John Howland of the Mayflower (on both Moms and Dad's side!) and eleven other Mayflower passengers. I also have two lines back to Rev. John Robinson, pastor to the pilgrims- who didn't come on the Mayflower, but is buried in Leyden, Holland with many members of his flock.

I'm the captain of the New Hampshire Mayflower Society, so if anyone has questions about proving a lineage for the Society, I can try to help! We're also on Facebook.
My link is thru Thomas Cushman and Mary Allerton Cushman..Thomas,Jr..Benjamin..Caleb..Caleb,Jr..Caleb(III)..Salmon..Larue Caleb(L.C.)..Lester..Merle..Gwendolyn..Me..
We are 11th cousins, Rosemary! Through Mayflower passenger Isaac Allerton!
My direct colonial New England names from MA, NY, NJ, ME, VT, NH are:
Brewster, Prence, Freeman, Placeway, Fraser, Pepper, Crowell, Atwood, Stuart, Hamilton, Cobb, Sparrow, Bangs, Weeks, Dyer, Cosper, Biddle, Erway/Erbe, White, Ellis, Curtis, Senter and Chamberlain
who are your Dyer Cobb. I have both, Cobb are in VT MA CT NY
and Dyer CT
I am also a descendant of Henry Howland through his son Zoeth, and then two of his sons, Nathanial and Rose Allen Howland, and Nicholas and Hannah Woodman Howland. My 3rd great-grandmother was Catherine Allen Howland.

I am also a descendant of Rev. Stephen Batchelder through daughter Deborah who married Rev. John Wing.
My Plymouth ancestors include John Russell, John Fobes (Forbes), William Swift, and Henry Timberlake, and Adam Mott.

I also have a William Palmer who arrived in Massachusetts with the Puritans from England in 1635. He settled first in Watertown, MA. From there he went to Wethersfield, Branford, and then back to Wethersfield CT. He died in Westchester, NY.

Looks like we share a few lines.




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