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Some Huxtable notes.
Marion / Mary Ann Hayman married William Huxtable Dec QTR 1846 at Otterton
ref St Thomas Vol 19 page 345

Susan Bending b1822 Ottery St Mary, DEV married in1847 to John Huxtable, Ottery St Mary, At marriage Susan was a silk winder, and on the 1841 census-20-silk winder-Fair Mile, Ottery St Mary

1851 census
Head: HUXSTABLE, William
Name Relationship Mar Age Sex Occupation Birthplace
William HUXSTABLE Head M 31 M Machine Maker Chittlehampton-DEV
Mary Ann HUXSTABLE Wife M 32 F Wife Otterton-DEV
Ann HUXSTABLE Daur - 3 F Dau Ottery-DEV
John HUXSTABLE Son - 2 M Son Ottery-DEV
Emma EDWARDS Serv - 15 F Home Servant Ottery-DEV
Edward BUCKERHAM Serv U 24 M Carpenter Chitlehampton-DEV
Henry WEBBER Serv U 22 M Carpenter Rose Ash-DEV
George BEAVIS Serv U 19 M Smith Bristol UN-GLS
Address: Fair Mile, ---
Census Place: Talaton Honiton, Devonshire
PRO Reference: HO/107/1864 Folio: 63 Page: 10 FHL Film: 0221012

1881 census
Dwelling: Escot Lodge
Census Place: Ottery St Mary, Devon, England
Source: FHL Film 1341515 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 2134 Folio 21 Page 15
Marr Age Sex Birthplace
William HUXTABLE M 62 M Chittlehampton, Devon, England
Rel: Head Occ: Ag Implement Maker
Marion HUXTABLE M 62 F Otterton, Devon, England
Rel: Wife
John HUXTABLE U 30 M Ottery St Mary, Devon, England
Rel: Son Occ: Ag Implement Maker
Edmond HUXTABLE U 19 M Talaton, Devon, England
Rel: Son Occ: Ag Implement Maker
Emma HUXTABLE U 25 F Talaton, Devon, England
Rel: Daur
Elizabeth A. HUXTABLE M 30 F East Ogwell, Devon, England
Rel: Daur In Law Occ: Wife Of Wm Huxtable Machinist
Albert W. HUXTABLE 3 M Honiton, Devon, England
Rel: Grand Son
John HAYMAN U 66 M Otterton, Devon, England
Rel: Boarder Occ: Retired Farmer

The village foundry or blacksmith would have made and repaired tools, made and supplied ironware for house and dairy, feeding troughs, water troughs, farm machinery, manhole covers, shod horses, making the metal work for farm carts and wagons, even worked with the local wheelwright. Some would even employ a carpenter. They would have made gates and fences, The Huxtables more than likely made all the old iron fencing found around the Escot Estate. The door to the bread oven in Colesworthy Farm house was made by them while at Fairmile.

Doing a Google search I found the following items for sale, made by Huxtables:
A sale catalogue of vintage collectables had a Huxtable, of Fairmile single cheese press.Heavy cast iron trough with tapered sides. No damage, drainage hole to one end, marked twice on insides-Huxtable & Sons Honiton & Fairmile.

Edmund Huxtable would have made the "Tool Gate" situated on the corner of Green Lane as you come into the village from Patterson's Cross.

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Replies to This Discussion

From Lorna:
I descend from the Beedle of Tiverton area who married into the Huxtables from South Molton--please get in touch to see if we share any common research.
Lorna Vincent

Anthony Huxtable - British Grenadier (Guardsman) 
her father


Anthony J Huxtable 
his father



William Huxtable 
his father

born; 1811  @ High Bray, Devon, England, United Kingdom

died; 1893 (82) @ Barnstaple, Devon, England, United Kingdom



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