Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

After you have determined a topic (and sometimes when you can't determine a topic) for your writing, you use various techniques to stimulate ideas. Share with us some tips for how you brainstorm your topic.

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Pick a photo or something related to your family history. Hold it for 5 minutes and then write about it. Sounds weird, but it works. I just finished a class on Writing Your Life Story and this was two different methods we used.
Brainstorming can include the use of drawings and maps. Think about all the neighborhoods in which you have lived, especially those as a child. Was it urban, suburban, or out in the country? Draw a diagram of the street or area with the houses and other important features. Boxes for houses are just fine. Add that fence you climbed, the tree where the tire swing was, etc. Now place the names of the people in the boxes that represent the houses even if you only remember the surname or the friends' first names.

As you draw you will remember events that happened in your neighborhood. Jot these quickly to the side as fast as they pop into your mind. Pick one and start writing. Save the others for later.

Don't forget to recopy your drawing and place it with your story.

This method is feature in my booklet: "Memoing" My Memories: A Simple Technique for Writing Your Family Stories



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