Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I am looking for Carl Nielsen, born in Denmark on 23 Oct 1885 to Hans Nielsen and Christina Jonasdotter. He worked as an apprentice seaman for the German shipping line HAPAG. Came to Ellis Island in 1902 then disappeared. I have the passenger manifest but there are no records of him at all in the US; no marriage, death, census, etc. and no record that he left the US.
Did find a Carl Nielsen in the 1920 census in Alameda, CA but there is nothing that connects him to my Carl.
I would really appreciate any help the group can give.

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Have you tried searching under the spelling "Neilsen"? I get a ton of search hits that way who were born in Denmark in 1885, even some who have an arrival date within 2 years +/- of 1902. Do you have any other means of identifying whether you have the right one?


Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I have tried the varients of the surname Nielsen (Nielson, Neilsen, Neilson, Nilson, Nillson, Nelson etc.). At this time there are so many to count! Because there are so many possibilities, I am concentrating on the date of birth. I am also looking in California, New York, and states that have had large Danish populations. If you come up with other suggestions, please let me know. I usually find at least one record for people but this one has me stumped!



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