Genealogy Wise

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My name is Janet Cobb,parents  Maurice Cobb 1909&Pearls Slade 1923,Bonville vt..

Slade,Styles,Moon,French,,Herrick,Proctor,,?Tecumseh?,,Benson,,Capen,,Colvin,,Lincoln,just some Ive found..If anyone can help me out ,Id be soo grateful..Im having problem with Moon,Benjamine Moon Stratton vt..Elizabeth Faye...Their daughter Malantha Moon married Jeremiah D Styles,,they had Lydia married Nelson French,their daughter Hattie married Leo Slade,,Pearl married  Maurice Cobb..But Maurice also  had married Olive Herrick in1931 Pawlet.vt    Cousin John Slade married Mary Herrick....Most of slade bonvile,vt..Cobb/John Cobb & Jane Godfrey  he from England,she from

Mass. Then their grandson ?? Samuel ,,had daughter Sabrina ,married Elijah Burroughs.. Richard Cobb married  Constant Burt,, they lead to Abe Lincoln..I don't have notes front of me..  I do need much help////

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If your English COBB line ends up in Derbyshire or Yorkshire, perhaps they cross with mine?

DGLaity,, Im not sure Ill have to go way back to see..Some   Castle?? Ill get back to you on this??Can you send me some of yours???Does any of who I had down connect????

I'm such an idiot - I just realised, if we do have a connection, it's by marriage.

The Cobb that I have is George b. 1811 in Notts. D. 3rd may 1887in mattersey, Redford, notts.

As it goes, when he marries for the second time, he takes on my 3 greats grandmother Sarah Morris and her son Thomas Morris (my two greats grandad).

Still, I wonder if he's yours by blood? Even if we're only a tenuous connection, it'd be interesting!

 Sharnbrook,Bedforshire     Beds & Corfe Castle  Dorset

Burkes Landed Gentry    American Families   British descent  John Cobb,,,Mine Cobb

Morgan Cobb was John  dad.. Never know,even a touch is good..well I enjoy this searchin so if you can,send me your parents names dates,Ill go from there..  George Cobb 1811,,wife,,?? whomeve??

Thanks?? Janet Cobb 

His second wife Sarah is my blood relation (Sarah Morris).

There's some traces of scandal - no determinable father for Thomas - he passed off as her sibling in census until her Mother died.

I'm trying to wrack my brain on this - I have a feeling there was a theoretical distant connection between the two apart from the marriage.

Sarah's Thomas was named for her own father.

Sadly George's dates as in last message are most I managed so far (been absolutely snowed under of late). I seem to remember he had some sort of property - a farm, I think...

I  can not find this George Cobb  at all,even thru my sites Ive been in no Morris..I have just Cobb,England, to Taunton Mass..Sorry..I have nothing to go on..

Ooo a puzzle. 

I found a little on his first wife. She was Sarah Bowering b. 1802 in Susworth, nr. Scotter, Lincs. She died 2nd Dec 1869 at Clum Road, Sheffield.
Haven't found any children for them yet. He marries my Sarah 4 years later.

Okay, leave it with me, I'll see what I can unearth the next time I'm up that branch.

Will let you know when I find something that might interest you. ;)

Sorry,, I have nothing of that info....



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