Genealogy Wise

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I have several links, in different areas of New England.

First, I have links with Plymouth Colony.

In terms of generation, my earliest immigrant ancestor is Rev. Stephen Batchelder, and with him I get the Sanborns, the Tucks, and the Palmers, as well as Locke, Berry and a few otehrs I don't have much information for.

Another ancestor in a different area was Henry Howland, the brother of John Howland, who is the one who fell overboard off the Mayflower. Henry came over a few years after John, In this set I also have Newland, Adams, Allen and Sharp, at which point they merge with my Haines line in New Jersey.

And thirdly I have The Hiltons who connect to the Batchelder group through Christopher Palmer. The Hilton Brothers came over right after the pilgrims but for establishing a fishing trade.

I would love to hear about your links too.

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Hi, I just found this group. I am related to John Alden and Priscilla Mullins Through their daughter Elizabeth who married William Pabodie. I am also related to Constant Southworth who settled Duxbury, Massachusetts.
Sara, previously on this blog, William "Pabodie" was referred to as William "Peabody". Do you have a source for the spelling that you just used?

Greetings all, I come from Childs family on my mother's side who I descend from twice (sighs) we go far back to Winslows, Brewsters, Browne, Hoskins/Haskins, Warren, Turner and some more. My father's Nelson side as well goes back to mayflower. warrens, allertons. My mom's Lee's family I think as well goes far back to the allertons. 



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