Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Hello, and I mean this in the kindest way, please don't be offended, but you need to correct your spelling of the word in your title - should be Genealogy. This looks like an interesting group, and I think I can learn some good things. Thanks.

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Wow ... just ... wow ..

I am so sorry. I just looked at it and noticed that I forgot the 'a'. It's spelled in such an odd way and I often miss the 'a' or the second 'e'. Thank you so much!

And here I am, talking about proof reading and I can't even notice that my group title is misspelled. Ugh. In my defense, I was up late, and I never sleep because I have a 9 month old who is teething - again - and finds it great fun to wake up in the middle of the night and take off her diaper and then wake me up. So yeah.

I'm changing that now.
Hi Caro, I'm so glad you are not offended, because I just wanted to help. When I started genealogy I did not know how to spell it, it took me a while. I'm kind of a fanatic proofreader and sometimes mistakes just jump out at me. My kids used to have me proofread all their papers for school and even in college; sometimes they would email them to me. When I'm sitting at a meeting or anything where stuff is written, I'm constantly circling mistakes, it is kind of funny. Because then I will turn around & not even see a goof that I have made. That's why it is great to help each other. Bless your heart for trying to work on genealogy while taking care of a baby. Usually they take so much attention and exhaust you so much, you can't even think about anything else. It is great that you are doing this now while you have little ones and writing the family history down for them, so it is not forgotten. I wish I had done it back then, when we still had parents we could ask. My whole project has been based upon information I have had to search for, with only a little input from a couple of elderly relatives who can't seem to quite tell you the same story the same way, twice! But they try to help. This site looks like it will be very helpful, too. Thanks and have a good day.
My Dad started our genealogy. He had a tape he did with his aunt that has some information. We got another aunt to tape record some stories. I'm trying to remember some of the other ones. She was one of those who told a story over and over again. Almost two years ago I took a genealogy trip over a weekend and visited some older aunts and got bits and pieces to work with. You you're right Jeanne, we just don't take the opportunity when we are young to work on this.

From one aunt I got the last name of my gg grandmother's middle husband. That's all. But I was able to find him, find out that she had a daughter by him who died before she was two, and find out what he did for a living.
Thanks for the encouragement, Trudy.
Oh I'm not offended at all. I tend to do the same thing with circling mistakes, only I'm more of a guru with grammar. My biggest pet peeve is when people consistently use incorrect grammar, saying "I did good" and "with who". It bothers me to no end. But, of course, I never seem to find my own spelling mistakes, hence the reason I started this group. (-:

I actually started this project a year before my daughter was born, when we first decided we wanted to start trying. Ignorant me, I thought I could just do some research and have it all together for a birth present. HA! She'll be a year in October and my goal is to get a book done before 2011! I've already done a majority of the research so now it's a matter of organizing and writing out the story. I'm way too interested now to stop. I seem to work on this primarily when she is napping, in bed for night, playing with her toys, with her dad on his days off. Somehow, though, I still manage to at least look at everything once a day.

Anyhow, have a good week!



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