Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

How about this to help out the programmers. There are many more options using the Ning platform, and the WVR programmers will never know which we prefer unless we ask.

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Since the "cross posting" Ol' Myrt here does is merely pull in the RSS feed from my original blog feeds posted elsewhere, they continue to be covered by my copyright at those sites.

I agree that looking at Craig Manson's viewpoints are a worthwhile read tp bring one up to speed on copyright issues from a practical standpoint.

Heaven help WorldVitalRecords & GW if they attempt to "own" our compiled genealogies. learned from sad experience that users and the geneabloggers won't stand for such misappropriation of information. Finally, recalled their American biographical collection from the paid subscription area, and finally from their site altogether.
How about a section on the profile wall for the researchers "brick wall". That genealogy quesitons we have all been trying to answer for years but just can't find the info on.
The Text Box can be used for almost anything. I don't know what the space limitation on it is.

The individual boxes on the profile can be moved around so they appear where you want them to appear.
Good Idea!
There are a couple suggestions/questions I have and I hope I am not just repeating what others have already suggested or asked.
1. I would like help section or a FQA or a manual that would help new people figure out how to use the site effeciently.
I have reviewed pages and pages of messages trying to find out if someone using this site is researching the same surnames.
2. How do I respond directly to someone responding to comment I have left?
3. How do I limit the number of e-mail coming from the site. Right now it appears that if anyone leaves a comment on any of the groups site I belong to I get an e-mail. I have one address I use for all my Genealgical research and contacts.
Today I have about 20 e-mails. One is a response to a comment I left, but I don't know how to repsond to that person directly and any response to the group will be lost amoung all the other comments.
Thank you. The informaiton made sense to me.
Hi Georgie!
One way I have found to discover if there is anybody searching the same surname is to hover on MEMBERS on the top horizontal bar. A menu opens below - 3 options, the third one down being ADVANCED MEMBER SEARCH. This is just like the profile form we filled in when we joined................if you go down to "Surnames I am searching" [or something very similar] and type in just one of the names you are searching and then scroll down and press SEARCH it will bring up all those people who have entered that name.
Try it with Alabaster (my one name study) you will find it will bring up 9 people, including me!

Do hope that you get to read this .........................and that it helps!

I Wish it would stop sending me emails. This is so annoying I will probably leave
Look though your settings. you can partially control what e-mail is sent to you
There's a link at the bottom of this page. "Stop Following - Don't email me when people reply"
We need a technical support section. It should include FAQs, How-to, support email to get answers.

I'm having a problem so am posting it here.

Right now I'm having trouble becauce GW shuts down my IE browser. This never happened until I started using GW. I think there may be a bug somewhere in the system. Is anyone else experiencing this?
What is SO WISH FL? and how do I get there?



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