Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I'd like to get your feedback on an ad that I've been working on. We're trying to find a way to let people know that even though our name is the Southern California Genealogical Society, we can be a valuable resource to genealogists who are researching in the US, Canada, and Europe. Please let me know what you think.

(c) Southern California Genealogical Society 2009

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Hi, Paula,

Love it. Don't know where you'll be placing this, but the graph under the map seems a little wordy, but the first two lines are priceless :-)

I like this idea (although US & Europe isn't really global).
Genealogical Societies often have the same problem - at least with some of our visitors/clients. For the British Columbia Genealogical Society, we've been giving out bookmarks that say: "Where in the World is Your Family From? We Can Help You Search". There's a picture of a world globe on the front with our name & website. The back mentions our meetings, library, etc. & has a contact phone # & the website URL again with a sketch of a computer mouse.
Hi Paula,

I like the ad. Hope it reaches a lot of people.

Not to do with the ad, but looking at it did prompt me to look in the SCGS library catalogue. I don't see any British Columbia resources, although I know you do get our journal, "The British Columbia Genealogist", and we get yours. I am definitely planning on attending the 2010 Jamboree - I will bring you a few genealogical gems from BC when I come. There are so very many historical/genealogical & modern family & other ties between California & British Columbia!
It was impossible to include all of the ~36k resources on the map. Each marker stands for roughly 100 items in the catalog. We don't have ~100 resources for BC so it didn't get a marker. The same holds true for other areas of the world -- we have resources, just not enough to make a marker. I am so looking forward to meeting you next year! I thought of you when the North America geographic track was selected.
One more thing, Diane. We are in the process of updating the online catalog. Not all of our resources are listed online at this time.
Paula, it's difficult to see the distinction of the Canadian and US resources. And since the SCGS has a fabulous French Canadian set of resources and groups, it's sorry to see it lost! But I love the headers Be sure to trademark that quick!!!!
I really like the line 'Your family just might be hiding on our shelves." Perhaps start with that, then the info on the library. I wish there were Latino resources in there... I don't know that you need to enumerate all the states- I imagine you have more holdings than what's listed here.

Good luck- great ad!
Ellen, a great comment on a great line!
Like others, I believe the greatest punch line is, "...your family might be hiding on our shelves."

Since I am still new to SCGS the following points may have no relavence: 1) Have you indexed all of the names found in your collection? and 2) What do you have in you collections for East Asian researchers?

I relaize that the information you may have for East Asia may be less that 100 and so was not included, but it would be helpful to those researchers in Southern California to know that you do have some information for China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, etc.

I think that you will have success in attracting Euro-centric researchers.

You may want to increase font size of caption for those that are elderly.

Good Luck!
A very interesting graphic! Good job. --Alice Fairhurst



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