Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

How do many of you tell the various stories that you have gleaned from your genealogical research?
Have you developed a family newsletter with history sprinkled in, with the historical family data?
Have you written a book on the family history?
Have you developed an elaborate Family Chart that you put on display at reunions?

Here are other ideas that might help, plus please share how you tell the story:

-Develop a Blog or Website devoted to your family history.
Example for Family Website:
Example of Family History Blog:

Make a video or slide show on the family history.

Now that you have found some facts---how do you share this with others?


Views: 138

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Hi Angela,

I share my findings on my blog;, at as well as here, on I also have a family website on

Everything I write is a part of telling my Ancestors' story. Hopefully, one day, this will culminate into writing a book (which I've started).

"Guided by the Ancestors"
Where can one see your documentary? How long was it? Thanks for your good suggestions!
I am going to put some time aside and take a look at the video.
Hello Kiersten,

I tried going to the link but it does not work. Please resend.
What is the cost for a typical project? I know that the can vary, but am just curious for a range.
Hi Angela,

At the last reunion I gave everyone a disc that had copies of all the census & death certficates, and a "Narrative Report" produced by the Family Origins program. I don't like how those "read," because I don't think they're friendly for people who aren't used to them, so I'm looking for ideas. Right now, I have a page at, but I think I like better because it has the potential for interaction. I'm having good luck with checking in with cousins that I've found on Facebook. Folks actually said they missed my big wall chart, so that will return. I like it that people put additions & corrections right on it. I'm still looking for a way to encourage people to add "meat" to our history. I would love to have everyone submit a one page bio & picture. Any suggestions? Thanks for a great topic & ideas.
Hello Sonia,

Not Angela, but your post shows we are using some of the same techniques for sharing our research with family.

I now use Roots Magic which is a descendant (?) of Family Origins, RM recently came out with their release of Version 4. The "narrative report" is still a little difficult for the non-genealogy person to read, but a couple of nice features are the ability to have a photo for each person in the report and to begin each generation on "new" page and of course the index to the report is great. We also share using Tribal Pages for a personal website, mine is . I also manage a couple of sites on for various branches in our family tree(s). About 4 years ago, for my Adams line I created a family tree chart 90+ ft. long & 4 ft high.. It has the "vitals" for nearly 2,000 Adams descendants. What a 'cut & tape' job that was!!! It is still used and like you I welcome additions/corrections written on the chart.

For pictures of individuals to add to the narrative reports I take group pictures at the reunion and then "crop" those pics for individual head shots. I also take pictures of pictures that folks bring to the reunion.

Thanks for sharing and allowing me in the discussion.

Art Thomas
Hi Art,

Yes, you were the person to told me about tribalpages. Do you open it up for others to add information? I haven't because I'm afraid I'll miss something. I use RM as my primary program. Do you know if there's a way to link the two so that additions in either would be automatically input into the other? Sonia
Hello Sonia.

No, I don't allow others to update my TP website... Look & review all you want, but don't touch :)) I tell the family, let me know the additions/corrections you want and I'll make them for you.... if .. you have cited sources for what you're telling me.

A link bewtween RM & TP.... You can update either and transfer the "latest" information bewteen the two by uploading a new GEDCOM to TP, or by downloading your updated infromation from TP back into Roots Magic. Of course, the pictures you have associated with either won't transfer. Don't think there is an automatic process.

I am always fascinated to see the nice family charts at reunions. Do you have a customized one that you do or do you print it from a program then have it enlarged at a place like Kinkos or Office Depot? And on your chart do you have photos? I am still not excited about photos on charts because sometimes the resolution is not great when they are enlarged. The fact the people make corrections is a very good idea.
My last one was a cut and paste job, but I pasted the 8.5 x 11 sheets on large rolls (3 feet x whatever). The oldest 2 generations had siblings / 1st cousins horizontally placed. From the 3rd generation down, I did more of a descendant list below each person - so some lines were running off the chart. I haven't put pics on them, but I like Art's idea of including them in the narratives. That might encourage people to add more info.

I forgot that I also put pics of my Gram (in my avatar) & her generation in a photo album on FB. This also got some of my cousins to dig for more pics. Thanks for adding a great topic! Sonia
Hello Angela

I am currently working on a Family History Book. have an application called Canvas that will create a book with the information entered on your family tree. The book consists of a Pedigree Tree, Family Group Sheets, Timelines and Record Pages. My Record Pages consist of Census, Death Certificates, Freedman Bank Records, World War I Draft Cards and Civil War Records.

Our family is planning a reunion for July 2010 and the Family History Book will be apart of the reunion package.



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