Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

1 John Harvey Lloyd b: 1871 d: 1957
+ Sarah Elizabeth Hayes b: 19 APR 1875 d: 14 MAY 1947
2 Allen Simpson Lloyd b: 1 NOV 1901 d: 30 AUG 1983
+ Stella Estelle Stephens b: 27 OCT 1903 d: 18 OCT 1995
3 Johnny Carroll Lloyd b: 11 FEB 1924 d: 14 AUG 2006
+ Living ?
+ Doris Genel Howell b: 21 DEC 1926 d: 14 JAN 2001
3 Living Lloyd
+ Living Dygert
3 Dorotha Estelle Lloyd b: 23 JUN 1928 d: 10 MAR 2007
+ George Boswell b: 24 NOV 1928 d: JUL 1987
3 Living Lloyd
+ Living Pierce
3 Living Lloyd
+ Living Vaden
2 Ada Lloyd
+ S. E. Webb
2 Thomas Edgar Lloyd b: 26 AUG 1892 d: 23 FEB 1957
+ Emma Dee Morgan b: 10 JUL 1910 d: 23 JUL 1993
+ Maggie Ollie Lundy b: 2 APR 1899 d: 14 FEB 1926
2 Grace Lloyd
+ ? Shaw
2 Lilla Belle Lloyd
+ A. A. Wynn
2 Ransie Lloyd
+ Willie Warren

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Dear Charlie,

I spent about an hour and found John Harvey's parents -- via using both LLOYD and LOYD; and FamilySearch. I should have used the last one first! But I learned a lot in the process.

John Harvey was born 27 Feb 1871 in Arkansas, the son of Spencer A. and Dona M. (Fulkerson) Lloyd. They are on the 1880 census: Bradley Township, Van Buren, AR --- NOTE: The census-taker spelled it "LOYD." Spencer and Donna are both 33 (both b. 1847 in Arkansas); Spencer's parents were born in NC and VA and Donna's both TN.

So they should be on the 1850 census as children.

John H.'s siblings were: Lula B., Rosa G., Nancy and James. OOPS -- no more room. I'll add another.
Hello Kay,

I wanted to confirm for you John's parents. His death certificate states his parents are Allen Lloyd (Spences A??) and Dona Fulkerson. John was born in Ark.

New puzzle. I have John's wife as Sarah Elizabeth Hayes. Problem is her death certificate list her parents as Stuart Bray (Broy?) and Harriett McAlister. So I need to confirm if Sarah Elizabeth was Stuart's step-daughter or if Sarah Elizabet was married to a Hayes before John.

Have a Blessed Day,


I am sorry I didn't see these postings. I only got on GenealogyWise that one time when Joan invited me.

Please forgive my delay in getting you the info I found on July 23. I didn't know about your mother-in-law's condition; but I received a prompting yesterday that I needed to get going on it!

Let her know she is in my fervent thoughts and prayers.

Part 2:

I have a lot of information from the PRE-EMINENT Lloyd/Loyd researcher, Dr. O.C. Weaver of Birmingham, Alabama. So I am going to see if Spencer is in there. I am SURE that your mother-in-law/wife and I are distant cousins, as we are both from the Southern branch of the family.

In the meantime, I will continue looking on for you.


Thanks for the information. This has been one of my harder lines to research. I have had more success with my mother-in-laws maternal line of Stephens, Barnes, and Hankins/Hankens.

This comes at a good time as Mom has terminal cancer.

Thanks again for the help.
I received your information yesterday. There is some good info there. I appreciate your help. Now I need to complete the work I am working on so I can start working on this new info on my wife maternal line, as well as all of the other Lloyd info I have received.

Thanks for the help,

Hi Charlie, My Lloyd's came from Wales to Pennsylvania to Utah(At least my direct line). Here in the future I will add the siblings of my direct Lloyd line and maybe from there is where we all connect!. I am really having a hard time finding the cemetery and any death notices on a John Roland Lloyd. I know from a biography his son wrote(My 2Great Grandpa Gilbert Lloyd)about his life and the burial of his father when he was a young child! I know he died in Allegheny City(now known as Pittsburg) and he was buried in Rochester, PA but can't find what cemetery.
Hi Michal,

Thanks for the post with your family info. You may want to create a separate discussion forum for your line. That way it will be listed separately on the main group page so that everyone can see it when they come to the group. Plus when someone replies ot your discussion forum, the relationship will stand out more clearly.

Welcome to the group


I have more information on this line for you! Funny how things come in full circle. When we lived in Rock Springs, WY, a good friend, Errol Jack Lloyd, and I wanted to know if we were related. He is a NORTHERN LLOYD like you are; Charlie's mother-in-law, Joan Holloway and I are of the Southern Lloyds/Loyds.

I researched for Jack as best as I could in the late 1980s (when the earth was cooling), before Internet genealogy. But I did find info on John Roland, who is his ancestor as well.

You will need to give me a while to get this together for you -- I need to get info to Charlie's mother-in-law ASAP and am behind. Yours is hidden away in the catacombs of my bedroom research file boxes.

Oh wow! I would love the info you have on John Roland Lloyd. I have heard of this Errol Jack Lloyd from family members but unsure where he connects with me(still researching).
Hey Everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to pass along to the Lloyd's here the going home of Laura Belle (Lloyd) Vaden. She passed at 4:55pm on 29 July 2009. A copy of her obituary can be found Here
What area are they from?



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